Tuesday, March 01, 2011


I fucking hate other people named Zack. why the fuck do they have to have my name, get your own fucking name, like bob or dick wad. why steal steal mine. it is only quite recently that there has been this seeming surge of "zacks" everywhere... when i was growing up i knew of only one other. we hung for a few weeks but he didn't live up to the name. he got kicked to the curb and literally moved out of town...
there was one on t.v. who was a fucking retard and was the "class clown" whose best buddy was screech.. who the hell has a buddy named screech in high school?! now these imposters are popping up all over the place, in movies, t.v. shows, even here in my own town! get the fuck out scum suckers, quit ruining my name.
you play in a lame band? Zacks don't play in a lame ass bands, playing wamby pamby poor me i need a fucking girlfriend music... Zack turns a wrench on bulldozers and heavy equipment for a living, shoot guns and ride dirt bikes...
your mommy and daddy bought you a new car and you don't like the color? zacks don't have people buying them cars, in fact zack BUILDS shit from the ground up, mobs them and builds them again!!
you make movies with your silly ass beard and run around like a fucking moron! zacks don't make movies and run around like a moron...err... wait, i have done that, but I'm not trying to act like fucking idiot, i was an idiot... wait that's not coming out right either..
seriously though, wtf, why do these "zacks" have to be out there fucking up my name, when i meet them, one of the first things i ask is have they ever met any Zacks that they like and their answer is usually "no"... that generally sets the tone for the rest of our conversation... nothing like a little "hey, i don't fucking like you just because, so suck it and go fuck yourself before i find some monkey to do it for you..."
do you all have these issues as well? i mean is their this huge thing when you meet people who share your name and that naturally you think they suck? it just doesn't happen to me all that often so i don't know...