I HAVE THIS JOB WHERE ON EXTREMELY RARE OCCASIONS I HAVE TO DEAL WITH COMPLETE ASS HOLES... normally i am the asshole but sometimes i have to help these schmucks... case in point... a local here, who owns property and sometimes hires us for our talents, comes in and wants some one to load some sand... first he called and wanted it delivered, our guys are too busy and he balked at the delivery fee.. so he expects some one here to load him... its something we do for free as a service... for people who we like... Unfortunately we have to deal with this dick as well... most of the time im not asked to do any of the loading, for nine years now ive hated it... with the exception of the people who genuinely appreciate it... and the folks i like helping out... but i still dont need to feel obligated to this ass...
the last time i was asked to help him out he told me right to my face i was lieing... i did this guy a favor, nobody else would do it, so i cut him a deal and tried to save him some money... spent three days and nights doing a water test for this fuck and he had the audacity to say i wasnt there... i was cutting this guy abreak... i was supposed to be there for six days and nights recording water collection rates and blah blah blah...
the time before that was here at the yard... same deal.. load some sand with the back hoe(which i hate doing even more than our usual loader).. he told the office he got less then he really did... they let him get away with it to avoid confrontation...
a couple of months ago he starts a rumor about me... i hear this from a very good friend who was being told this salacious rumor... he described the conversation as follows
"yeah i guess zack has been dealing coke to his friends." asshole says
"what? i dont think so..." good buddy replies
"yeah, his roommate sure works hard and is on the job before anyone else every morning." asshole reasserts
"i dont think so, hes got a.d.h.d and has worked for me before. he doesnt need drugs" buddy defends
"well zacks lights are always on late at night and seems like he sells coke." asshole states
"do you even know his roommate cause hes not like that... and i think zack has a lot of friends, but he doesnt sell coke..." buddy finishes off
do any of you know anyone on coke who shows up early to work?works real hard on coke? and is real productive on the job? thought so...
appartley this guy has never met my friend in question or been to a job site where he was working... what the fuck is with this guy??? if he is hoping for some info on where to get "hooked up" he should talk to his son or step daughter.. (no offense, just stating the fucking obvious) stop talking shit motherfucker, its a small town and nobody listens to you anyway... except people who dont know him or me...then they hear about that guy selling coke and think its me, or their fucking kid gets caught with some shit at school and lame parent says well theres a guy in big sur named zack... to get his little whelp out of trouble with the law....
well short story long... he rolls in today and i make him wait... five minutes goes by and people in the office are getting uncomfortable... so i go out...
"what do you want?" i say
"uh, oh, sand." he stammers
"concrete sand or fill sand..." im now glaring at him
"fill sand." he spits out
well i do a long inspection of the backhoe and notice a low tire... i check the oil, water and hydo fluid(something all the operators should be doing before they get on any piece of equipment...)and proceed to my shop, not the pile of sand... and begin airing up the tire... i think i lit a smoke some where in there too.. its a big tire and takes a while to fill up...well since im the mechanic, i decide its a good time to check all the tires... at this point i hear some cussing over by the sand and tires screeching... here he comes, cloud of dust and and tires blazing... stops, glares at me and points to the sand pile..
"ya, ya... it'll be a minute..." i say over my shoulder and go and take a piss in full view by the dumpster... who is the asshole now...
ha fucker, finish with the tires and drive down to the sand... did he bother to pull the tarp off the pile while he was waiting? no rake the leaves off? no.. so pretend to get a phone call and laugh into my machine for a good minute.. remove said tarp and fill the bucket full, heaping... Maneuver around his brand new extra cab tacoma... gold... what kind of ass buys a gold truck...(its his second one, same make and model) and dump the fucker in, one big blamo, not filter it in like i would do for everyone else...remember that ford commercial where they drop a huge bundle of wood into the bed and the truck bounces off the ground while the commentator says? "built ford tough!" anyway this truck did not bounce, it sank to the ground and left an imprint where it had bottomed out... i loved that part...watching his eyes explode as his truck was seriously hammered..hahahaha, fuck you... then he gets me to puts a little more in on top of that...as a toyota owner i started to fell bad for that truck...
anyway, he walks into the office, says something and quietly leaves... i go on a call to fix the kenwoth and come back and ask. "what the hell did he say?"
"oh, he said he only got a yard and a quarter" our office manager says
its a yard and quarter bucket when the material is flatttened not heaping..i go on and on about how full the bucket was and that he wanted "a little more" and you know what happened...nothing..they let him get away with it... what the fuck? im going to freak.. luckly i held back and maybe he will come back for more... its not my place to tell him anything, if the office likes getting ripped off, im not going to get in their way... but if he comes back and im expected to load more sand i might just bump into his truck and mangle up his racks a little..oops...
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