Oh right!!! Kylie...she's wicked! And birthday is spelled birthday. Who knew? Well just go to the Wild Onion. No baby, we didn't forget, just trying to figure out who would do it. Ahhhhhhhhhh screw it...I'll do it! Love you!
This space is here to fill the void in my creativity. I come here to bitch and moan, to make people laugh sometimes and to vent some things that would normally help me self destruct. I don't give a shit if people like what they see, that's not what this is about. It's about me, me, me... If none of that matters to you, we will probably all get along.
have fun :)
I've got to babysit my niece and nephew, but that's always kinda fun. Other than that I'm probably going to be sleeping. It was a tough week...
You've posted this photo before. I have an amazing memory. What? No, I don't remember that.
Birthay tribute over at the Wild Onion. Good luck if you can read English! XO ;) Happy Birthday baby. Love you. I do. And have a nice weekend!
no, i posted this one
Oh right!!! Kylie...she's wicked! And birthday is spelled birthday. Who knew? Well just go to the Wild Onion. No baby, we didn't forget, just trying to figure out who would do it. Ahhhhhhhhhh screw it...I'll do it! Love you!
twas a good weekend! lots of work and some new garden beds installed here! played a really good game of golf too!!!
meg, hope you got some sleep!
suz, thanks for the birthday wishes!! and i do believe it was kylie who posted it before, hahaha
kylie, sup yo! thanks for stopping by!
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