donald loves boobs too!!!as much as i fucking hate facebook i seem to be dicking around there quite a bit. i have three or four games of scrabble going on there at a time, friends i never see anymore that i still chat with and people who i wouldn't piss on if they were on fire hounding me to be my friend... two years ago, (plus or minus) i got booted off of their site for violating all the rules... at first i was pissed, but then it was a nice break from all the stupid shit i was doing there... mafia wars, posting stupid shit on everyones pages, whatever. it was a good thing.
then my ex-girlfriend had a fucked up accident, and a lot of the planning i needed to do to get her first benefit rolling could be done alot easier on the facebook than over the phone. so i signed the fuck back up with a new, (still not legitimate user name) and got it handled. we raised over thirteen thousand dollars in one evening. it took less than ten days to plan and we fucking rocked it. hundred of people served dinner, a silent auction and a raffle. the wad of cash was huge.that being said, i should have deleted the fucking face book account the next day.... but i didn't. and my once somewhat popular blog suffered for it.
this weekend some people from the good ole days are convening down in l.a. i got an inspirational text from a blogging friend this morning about the potential arrival of yet another favorite blogger. we will see what we will see....