so here is the fucking deal-e-o as of late. nothing has changed but everything is different. most recently i have been going to the gym. one to salvage/resurrect my relationship with my gf of five plus years and two, to transform this well honed alcohol processing plant into a mean lean fucking machine... along with that has come this level of guilt every time i light up a smoke. nothing says healthy living like a hand full of supplements, a two hour work out followed by a three chain smoked Marlboro's...
oh the guilt.
so i bought an eciggerette.
and it works...
more on that later! also along with this new found guilt is a natural desire to slow down on the drinking... i know, i know, me? as life would have it, my drinking was getting in the way of my, well, life... so I've slowed down on that. the gym has really made that easy. don't get me wrong, i don't have to quit drinking by any means and i drink when ever i want, but oddly my body is telling my brain that it just doesn't want it as much as it used to... after the gym, I'll go to the ritzy ass bar across the street and order a tall frosty one. and that's it. I'll have another one on my way home and maybe one more with dinner but that's it! my body says no thanks and my brain agrees... i haven't had a hangover in over a month! so odd to go to to bed sober and wake up before the alarm and actually look forward to the day.
i wish i would have taken one of those before and after series shots, alas i have not. well that's all i have time for today.
oh this weekend we are going to one of my favorite camping places and am bringing the dirt bikes, guns, explosives, kids and dogs; meeting up with some like minded folks and having a rip roaring good time! have a great weekend all that still lurk here and be safe!!!