Thursday, January 25, 2007

OKAY, I stole this pic from a fellow bloggers site... I thought it was funny, really funny... So now its on mine! thanx Sushi... Any way, I'm trying not to smoke, not to have cigarettes in my possesion. Its been real tough.. Sometimes its really easy, yesterday, less than five smokes.. Night before however, a lot, less than a pack but more then usual...

Was at ferwood and started talking about a woman in town who ill skip her details, But her daughter was just killed in an unnecessary accident... It saddening. (more here.) and we sat and chained smoked for a while and drank away a few tears. When kids die, it just plain sucks ass.

So I'm keeping up with the quitting smoking. Cold turkey was the plan, but weaning off seems so much more my style. After twenty something years of smoking and being a smoker, the life style, the fun, (for you nonsmokers, its fun...), the easing qualities that it has, its tough to just walk away..

Other news, well, its fucking cold here.. Yeah, okay I wear shorts all year so I cant complain, but its really cold.. Um... Shit work is calling, hope to be back soon...

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