Friday, April 02, 2010


i haven't been here writing for a while again, no surprise to any of you at this point eh? shit has been going down at my house for the past few weeks and it doesn't really make for good reading. mostly just a lot of disappointment and loss of faith but life isn't meant to be easy and full of flowers and fairy dust either... so i plod along... work has been picking up and i have been trying to not fuck around so much on the clock these days... my other jobs have begun and weather allowing that will be blossoming in no time. the Chevy project truck is coming along. I've been quite indecisive as to what to do. i found an ls1 corvette motor last week i could have put into it, then i had another truck with better looking papers (for no smog) almost fall in my lap this week. i don't want to take ownership of that until i can get my hands on it title and vins, so i wait. if that's to be the case and i get this other truck, i would pull the motor and build a racing motor for the monster truck. a stroker, exciting right?!? right... i just purchased the last bits of interior products that i need to finish restoring the inside and might even try to squeeze a couple more sub woofers in it some how... i know, i already have eleven fucking speakers in there already, but I'm feeling a little short on the ear bashing bass that my darker skinned friends enjoy so much... (one must have the absolute loudest fucking stereo imaginable in his town to be cool these days) umm.... I'm trying to get my head around how I'm going to do at least one week long trip a month this summer, from a decent backpacking trip, a week in the sierras, a week in Florida, a week long r.v. trip with dirt bikes and boats, a week off at home to do nothing... I'll figure it out, but it's also weighing in heavy on my shoulders...
that's about all i got right now. enjoy your weekends!!!


Megan said...

Enjoy your weekend, too!

Leni Qinan said...

Thanks for the update Zack. Your summer plans sound great! I'll try to tour a bit East of France -quite close to here-.

Btw, that German valkyrien in the pic is not realistic -Oktoberfest waitresses are huge and carry 12 beer jars in each hand!- LOL.

S. said...

Hahaha, nice picture, I can tell you miss me! ;)

Suzanne said...

Hey you. That motor in a Chevy sounds...interesting. Good luck!

Megan said...

I miss you and Cheese. Just sayin'.

Megan said...

Just coming over to say you lag even worse than I do, lately. And that's saying something.

AaronBillyMacHarlan said...

So as soon as I start following your blog again you stop blogging... either that or my sister has killed you or drove you over the edge and you killed yourself. I hope not though, that would suck... remember I lived with Bree for 18 years and lived- you can make it.