as some of you know i like some pretty weird shit... photos of all types, womens high heeled shoes, blowing shit up and doing voice overs while people watching from afar, naked motorcycle riding, blowing bubbles, backpacking into the deep wilderness and making a feast of a meal, paying to get into an event and then volunteering my time while i am there... eating lunch out every day of the week, etc... so i natually assume that other people do some of the same things... i mean i know there are some true WEIRDOS out there, more than half of the internet is full of it, so i dont feel too bad. but, when someone looks down their nose at me for my interests i can't help feeling that they are the odd ones. really what the fuck is wrong with people?
just last week i bought a bit of a hand cannon, a smith and wesson .44 magnum. it's stainless steel with an 8 3/8 inch long barrel. think dirty harrys gun, but a smidge bigger. why would i want something like this you may ask? why not? i didn't have one moments before that and now i do. what the fuck would i do with such a thing? i dunno, shoot it, put soda cans in the sun for a few hours until they are ready to explode and blow them up... put a scope on it and see how far/accurate it shoots? put it in my gun case and forget about it. it's not my biggest gun by any means, but it's up there...
there are people who just aren't into guns, and that's just weird. see that? i think they are weird for not enjoying one of Americas favorite pastimes... i was at my buddies house this week after i just bought it and was showing it to him (he is another enthusiast). his family was there and he got his wife to hold it and point it up in the air like a charlies angel... it was indeed a hot thing to see. I'm sure that did something for their marriage that night... heh heh... but one of their visiting family members was totally put out by it. by it's mere presence in the house, the fact that we were at the dining room table talking about guns and shooting made him almost, angry... it was a weird response.. granted this guy trains at the MMA gym in his home town, (that's mixed martial arts, and he is a big fucking dude.) but really? your put out by a firearm? that's just un American to me.
so whats weird? the guy who likes raunchy porn and then sleeps with his wife with tender loving care? the girl who likes sun bathing in the nude but covers up all her "assets" when in public? the couple (gay or straight) who make out in public? the guy who like guns and shooting but has never been hunting in his life? (unless you count the hundred blue jays he has shot outside his bedroom window at five thirty in the morning when he is trying to sleep in on his only day off.) the woman who likes to tie men up and stomp on their balls? religious folks? MJ from my blog roll, is she weird? the amish? the feeling of mud between your toes? huh...
so what is weird? something against the societal norm? isn't that how we came to be in this country in the first place? something that is taboo? isn't that the same thing? i simply don't have the answer, don't need one... i'm perfectly happy being weird... how bout you?