just like this photo here... don't get me wrong, i love it. really i do, its a hot photo. a young woman, dressed as a nun, pulling up her outfit to inspect some sort of garter belt malfunction? who knows. but what is really going here? a plane landing in the background? is this some sort of plot to rob the drug traffickers of there loot? or just fucking around at the airport with a camera? or is it someones buddy in the plane and they are trying to get a rise out of them? this womans boyfriend? who knows! perhaps she is aerosexual?
but it seems i spend a lot of time thinking about what the real deal is around here. what are people motivations for doing the things they do. why would they say that? what is that going to do for them. and then why would i react the way i did? what do i have to gain from that? anyways... Ive got to get to work and finish up my day. Ive got a busy weekend ahead of me. enjoy your selves people! lift up your skirts and pull up your tops! someone may be watching...
dammit, i just repeated a picture... i hate when i do that.
**notes to self to spend more time looking for naked pictures of women online**
shes far from naked zack!
shes far from naked zack!
i like the subject matter juxtaposition, just not the word juxtaposition...
and it's indeed a sext pic.
for all the reasons you mentioned- including this:
bitch may get plowed- by an airplane.
aerosexual, nice word!
i'm trying to think of a witty and slightly insightful thing to say about this...
but im still pretty hung up on "aerosexual". it will take the world BY STORM!
Violet! That's how we do it here at the voices! She was out in the field and by the looks of it, it needs A good plowing!
Ihateeverything! Thanks for stopping by once again, and I wonder if they make any aerosex porn? Just sayin this pic might be a still from some odd video?
Do you have a photo of her fingering her rosary?
Who are you calling old? I'm not old!!!
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