Thursday, January 11, 2007


Sorry to those who read and check in here everyday only to find no new posts, no comments uploaded and nothing new really happening at inner voices...

Sorry to all the "friends I've been offending these past two months..

Sorry to the dogs who have been getting toted around in my truck with truck/tractor parts and oils and such... Things will be better soon...

Sorry to my family who I never call, call back or try to get in touch with as often as I should...

Sorry to all the other things/bullshit/drama that I haven't dealt with...

But guess what?!?1 I'm not fucking sorry any more... I'm doing the best I can... My back feels like its going to break... I'm not complaining about it anymore! I'm on crack down at work so I don't get the time I'm used to having on the internet... So its not my fault, I cant do anything about it! I wish I had more time... I don't... Thank you is what I will say from now on... For reading and commenting and being who you all are!!

If I've been offending you these months or you don't agree with what I do... Again, fuck you, fuck your dog, fuck your group of back-stabbing fair weather friends and enjoy the ignorance of being close minded hypocrites... Oh and get your own life to worry about, stop cheating on your boyfriend/girlfriend, stop pretending you are someone you are not and now that I'm no longer in your lives it should be really easy for you to find someone else to project your feelings of inadequacy on to... Oh and fuck you!!! How do you like me now...

Dogs are dogs and as long as they can come along or go for a ride they will be happy to shit, puke, hump, eat and sleep where ever the hell I am... So thank you beau and Charlie for being dogs.... I know you have no other choice but to love me and follow me around so I will try to give you a few more pats on the head....

My family knows I don't call, write, communicate or answer the phone when I'm supposed to so there is no real reason to address that... But I will try to be a better person when it comes to thanking them for gifts, love, and all the things that do happen for me because of them...

And about all the other things that I'm not dealing with right now.... If I'm not handling something, fuck it, its no longer important to me... Bye bye...

Well that feels a little better, I just wanted to let that out today... Little pent up shit there but now its gone... Events have unfolded and I'm right where I want to be in my life!! What you say?!?!? Happy? You ask... hahaha... Damn straight, I've got enough beautiful things on my plate to make any person happy for the rest of their lives and here I am right in the middle of it all... Bliss...

So happy fucking new year all and to let you know, this was just an end to sorry...


Black Egg said...

All I can say is you have to spend your time and energy where it counts, and it seems like that's what you're trying to do. I know about dealing with silly gossip, projection, resentment and all that other crap, it is indeed a colossal waste of energy. I check in on your blog most days - the only reason I would stop checking is if you didn't post for weeks on end or smtg. So, carry on, and have fun!


yeah sorry about that... i was just venting... please keep read and commenting!!! always enjoy it!!! thanks for all the support!