i have just a moment. its lunch and freaking cold out side. we had a little rain last night and now its sunny, clear and chilly. ya know probably down to oh... 60 degrees or so, maybe 65. brrr.... ha.
i mooched off just about everyone for lunch today. i had only a bleary thought of making lunch this morning. so i brought two hard boiled eggs, a packet of ramen, two cokes and a granola bar. mmmmm, ya, i know sounds good.
so i mooched the chicken off the front office gals salad, and her "Texas tater tot casserole".(sounds good too huh.) i mixed the chicken in with that. i mooched a couple of raisin oatmeal cookies from another dude here and a v-8 from someone else. I've been looking around for someone with some chocolate to no avail...
i bet I'm going to have a tummy ache later! hahahaha..
well that must have been super entertaining to read. my bad, but i only had a minute... and my brain is kind of not really firing on all cylinders this morning.
work rant. hey if you don't want to go to the job site they want you to go to, don't. go home and look for a new job. but you would have had to learn to read before that wouldn't you. its not our fault you have too many d.u.i.'s to have a licence anymore. its not our fault you don't like the guys that you have to ride in the trucks to the job sites. and quite frankly we don't really give a shit if you like working here or not. so quit bitching. we basically set you up with work to do because we know you need money. we don't always have shit for you to do, but we know you have bills to pay and mouths to feed. so we send you to jobs where your qualifications are best used. ya i wouldn't want to clean out septic tanks or dig ditches either but, guess what, that type of work has your name all over it.
so enjoy the fact that you have a job, the fact that we have an insurance program, that we provide you with safety gear and that you make two dollars more then your fellow amigos who work a whole lot harder then you. oh and by the way... SHUT THE FUCK UP, GET TO WORK, AND DO A GOOD GOD DAMN JOB THIS TIME BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T YOU ARE FIRED!!!
Thanx for the work rant - and that pic of the semi-submerged back hoe is ...hmmm. Wow. I hope that wasn't something you had to deal with?
btw... buddy who had the work issues got fired on monday... we felt bad for a minute...
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