Wednesday, April 04, 2007


i bet all of you thought that i was planning some think illegal this weekend, didn't ya! "something to benefit me later..." muhahahaa... no. we planted tomatoes. two different kinds. yep, pretty boring huh. we also planted basil, chives, cilantro, flowers(three different kinds...) and ran some automatic irrigation hoses and emitters...

sooooooo... sorry to disappoint y'all, but that's it. heh heh.

yesterday we did do something sort of um, well... we @#$%^&** some shit. {THERE WAS A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF WHAT WE DID HERE, BUT DUE TO THE FACT THAT I MIGHT SOMEDAY GET INTO SOME TROUBLE FOR IT, IVE DECIDED TO DELETE IT... SORRY... }so i didn't let you down all the way...

anyways... hope all is well and you have a great Wednesday! I'll be back later i hope...


Anonymous said...

hey there. thanks for you message. i was getting a little antsy here and was wanting to get down to see you pretty soon. are you sure its okay still? I MISS YOU.

Black Egg said...

Mmmm tomatoes... have to wait a couple months before we can get involved in planting much of anything around here. This year I can do a garden if I want to, lotsa room! btw yeah, ya tricked me.