Friday, April 06, 2007


why do these weeks seem longer and longer? is it that i am enjoying the weekends so much more!? i dunno, i cant wait to leave today! i brought a couple of "cold ones" in my lunch today so i don't have to buy any "roadies" for the way home... i want to leave right now... i just fished my lunch out of the truck and spotted them... hmmm, icy cold goodness... it shitty in the valley here right now and when i left my house this morning it was beautiful! i mean really ff-ing beautiful. i just came back from a job up on partington and it amazing up there! and now I'm back in my bloody office in the fog and chill. yeah, yeah, bitch and whine... got any cheese?
so i have a cool weekend planned, two days of south coast. and Sunday will be a huge Easter egg hunt i guess.. i thought it was a small affair but i have been hearing about all these folks who are heading down, so it should be a good time!
the longer i don't hang out with my old friends the longer i realize just how much they are complete assholes. its been nice not to have been subjected to their bullshit anymore... (random thought!)
do you know what?!?! I'm fucking outta here, i just decided I'm leaving early!!! so long... in about ten minutes you can imagine me pounding down a couple of cold ones! (enter homer Simpson sound track here)
enjoy your weekend all!

1 comment:

oakland heidi said...

Have a great weekend away... we're going to Jamesburg to hang out with my aunt and have easter brunch. We both work Sunday night though...

Am happy as can be with the boy. Its playing all the time. Its good. Really want to see you though....