this fuckers solution?!?! "you need a new hard drive." WTF?!?!?!? kiss my ass, you but munching, salami sucker...
"what the fuck do you mean, i need a new hard drive? it was working just fine yesterday?"
"well, um, i wanted to install the T-1 upgrades on your computer."
"why? i told you i don't want you fucking around with my computer, remember what you did last time?"
He seemingly deleted entire programs. said i "downloaded a virus." (we had another tech come in after that and i was told he had installed a hacked log tracking program on my computer and it wasn't allowing me to open anything it couldn't follow...) godamn felch farmer...
"well i ordered you a new hard drive, it'll be here tomorrow."
"don't bother, send it back. I'm throwing that p.o.s. away and buying a dell."
"no you are not buying a dell."
"fuck you Tim, I'm buying a dell."
now i know he hates dells, and that's the only reason i said that. so i called my tech buddy in town and asked him if he could recover the information. he's going to give it a whack and build me a new hacker proof unit.
i took the box out of my desk and set it aside to take to town later and this fucker gets inside of it and starts jacking shit!! he tried to take the parts out of it. my "busted" hard drive, my new T-1 modem thingy and my dual cooling fans and dual processors... this fucker was trying to sabotage me!!!!!!!
I'm going to kill this fucking donkey dick!
and I'm much more calm than yesterday...
so kids wish me luck and pray for me that i don't run this guy off the road this evening when i see him driving his jerk mobile home... ohh and enjoy your weekends!!!