Tuesday, February 24, 2009
if you all didnt like that post....
feeling the economic crunch and needing a new job??? how-a-bout this!!
anyways kids, the weeks have been wonderful and full of new things....
enjoy the photo ALL OF YOU!
my dad sent it to me in an email titled "BEWARE OF FAKE ATM MACHINES!"
apparently these "fake atm machines" (pictured above) have recently been taking peoples money...
anybody have a story about where you might have been (ahem) losing some of your hard earned cash...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
please dont put that picture up, its horrible!!!!

you know what?!?!?!
fuck that, we work hard for our money...
*insert sound track here, "so hard for it honey..." and continue reading*
we bust our fucking asses around here to have it guuuuuuddddd.... and you know what...we enjoyed every minute of it but we couldn't wait to get home... the excitement of being home and having an extra day or two to be here was distracting... dont get me wrong, taking the girls up to some real snow this last trip was well worth the drive and the expenses... the fun we had coupled with the memories made, the people we hung out with and watching the girls operate on pure adrenaline for the last day was fucking wicked!!! but it was gud to come home and enjoy everything that we have here... and do we enjoy it!!!!
*special winks to those in the know*
otherwise voices fans, i miss you all and love sneaking into yer blogs and simply reading at this point. i have a plan to buy a "net book" so that i can have it with me wherever and jump on line when its a little more convenient and accessible.
wish cheese luck in her scholastic endeavors this semester everyone, she is taking five classes right now in order to obtain not only the coveted nursing degree, but a bachelors in nursing in the next three years!!!!
California Cheese...does it get better than that?
My oh my, what has that man got you all thinking? Shall we simply say that this weekend was adventuresome and leave it at that? I think that might be best... I'll leave it up to your imaginations... I was only reminding him why we're so good together.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
last night was one of those you wouldn't believe me if i told you sort of evenings.... they seem to happening on a more regular basis... see if anyone can guess what we got up to...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Wow a week has passed as quick as a fart created at taco-bell... and with it, its mark on the seat of the car has been left...
wait what?
never mind... we are in the middle of this "huge storm" right now and boy is it letting me down. its not that i believed the hype about udder chaos and mass destruction of the evil winds and pelting rains, but i did hope for at least some serious amounts of rain... alas its a bit windy, the ground is getting wet and and our road has a negotiable amount of mud on it... perhaps I'll go for a quad ride later and see what there is to see...
a quick run down of where I've been? sure, since i was so sassy in my last post i should give you all a taste of a week in voices... you deserve it!
work has been better, the head honchos have been back to normal. that's nice.... although on Thursday we did temporarily layoff six guys... normally this time of year we would get some work from the state. the guys like this because they get "prevailing wages" and it adds up to a lot of money fast. we are not accepting state work this year because our company doesn't want any IOU'S from the governator. i don't blame them....
cheese and i are taking the girls out to south Lake Tahoe on Wednesday. I'm borrowing my dream truck from a buddy and we are loading up and going to the snow... this trip perfectly coincides with this storm from what I'm gathering... we are getting rain and its on 5 degrees there... hopefully there is massive amounts of fucking white stuff when we arrive!!! woo hooo!!!
*pauses writing for some fresh coffee in bed*
did the last of the wood splitting for the winter and cut down seven trees for next winter, one of these days while its raining I'll do a nice burn and some more fire clearance burning on the lower half of the yard... ooh ooh ohhh, my landlord has lowered the price of our house another two hundred thousand dollars!!! so if anybody was thinking of buying us this house it just got a whole lot cheaper... anybody? anybody? anybody? well just letting you all know...
*more yummy coffee in bed and rips a nice fart*
partied it up with cheese after her Friday shift at work, drove up the canyon and went to a friends house who cheese works with... hung out for a hour waiting for to her return, then started to leave and she showed up!!! brought her home, we all got drunk and she had her way with us....
heh heh....
yeah right, things never happen like that. not in the "real world" anyway....
Saturday some people showed up with mimosas and even though there was more osas happening earlier that morning than mims we managed to get that Friday night buzz to come round all over again.
heh heh...
Saturday was a hallmark holiday and we celebrated by lounging around the house playing games with the girls and later going out for a semi fancy diner. we have some friend who own one of the best places to eat in big sur and we frequented their establishment.
our plan for the past week was to go there and gobble down as many oysters as possible. we had called, made our reservations, let our friends know we wanted oysters and arrived three minutes early...
we were all a bit tired and ready to eat... food ordered, drinks half drunk when the first two plates of "lucky sevens" oysters were layed out in front of us. now i don't know how many six and ten year olds you all know that love seafood or oysters for that matter, but cheeses daughters gobble these things down like they were chocolate cookies and ice cream! we look down and mini cheese has slurped up five oysters in a minute and was reaching for another when i went for my first!!!
"um, so can i have one?!" i asked...
"hee hee hee..." was all she said.
so that was my week in voices.... its been busy, its been fun, its been a lot of work, but its always exciting!!! thanks to all who read here and check in. thanks to my commenters, new and old... enjoy yourselves as much as i would eh?!?!?
Monday, February 09, 2009
with a title like that there would normally be a list of everything i did this weekend that you did not... nothing against you or overly boasting about me (although thats pretty much what i do here) but that has been the norm... something that all of us could rely on... me boasting about some teriffic weekend filled with parties and naked women, chocolate filled swimming pools, playboy bunnies, yeagermiester shots and threesomes with obama... alas even though i had one of those weekend i will not be reporting about it.
instead i will rub my crystal balls and speculate as to what you all may have done with yourselves since friday...
*rubs balls and needs a moment*
*tries again*
well now arent we an eager beaver?!?!?
*one last time, he believes the third time is the charm he looks into his crystal balls and sees the clouds disappear revealing the secrets of his loyal and most revered followers*
i see someone doing their taxes... wait there is more... this person is doing their taxes while watching t.v. in their kitchen.....
i see someone freshly back from the grocery store, unloading supplies and putting their "work mickey" in to their briefcase for Monday...
what do we have here??? someone has brought work home with them this weekend and is just now getting it accomplished...
oh yes... these images are very convoluted... *rubs crystal balls extra hard to see though the haze* hmmmm.... there must be more than one of you dealing with sickness in the family... yes, yes... there is one of you out the with mud butt in the family... another is dealing with a fever... several of you are dealing with family members already planning to not get up on time come Monday morning....
*takes moment to channel voices and is obviously looking drained from speaking with the undead*
i foresee someone having an unexpected wild night out on Monday evening...
i for see this wild night out ending in an awkward moment for some one else come Tuesday morning...
the voices are telling me that work sucks for some one...
*rubs temples and begins speaking in tongues*
its like a chorus on a baptist Sunday! there seems to be twenty or so different solos in this musical, each one expressing how much they hate their jobs... but all coming together to sound as one...
*wakes self up and bolts into an upright position , looks around to see many people other are looking on with his uncanny visions. then promptly passes out in the lap of the most beautiful cheese he has ever seen*
so yes.... the weekend has come and gone.... let us know what else you've done this weekend!!!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
something new...

so... pretty much sick of the outs... so, what do we have that in?!?!?!
today we ran a new phone cable from underneath the house to the back of our bedroom and through the wall... wired it up and plugged in our new wireless router... yup, we've gone wireless!!!
yeah, funny that we are miles from the nearest power source, no satellite TV and there isn't a bit of asphalt or pavement in over a thousand feet of elevation... but I'm sitting on the couch with no wires connected to this laptop and I'm blahgging away... soon my home computer with its bizzilabytes of mega-computer brain-attude will be hooked up as well... faster everything... except i wont be sitting on the couch watching t.v..... uh wait how does that work for me again???
I'm working on some serious relaxation at the moment, i might even watch a scary movie in a minute... perhaps cut some trees down tomorrow and shoot some guns!?!?! i dunno, what ever we feel like.
cant relax too much i might slip a gasket... if you catch my drift.
I'm glad cheese was so amicable and had a guest post for us yesterday.. don't let her fool yah, she has a lot to say and has a way the words... Happy to see you all enjoyed her as well.. just don't enjoy her too much!!!
here is the bummer about going total wireless, there is nothing charging the four hundred dollar battery powering this thing.... signing out till Sunday!!!
Friday, February 06, 2009
Time for some Cheese
So, The voices are taking the day off and I've been asked to fill in. So you are all really in for it. Actually the reason I don't have a blog is because I don't really have a lot to say. I'm a pretty boring person, more introverted than extrovert. And the whole creative expression thing is something that I find fairly elusive in terms of the written word. I used to write a lot but I found quite early on (around 18) that my writing voice really annoyed the snot out of me. It sort of ruined the whole thing for me. I don't want to read what I write because suddenly the tone is different than when I first put it on paper, and instead of sounding like someone I relate to, I sound like an asshole.
Kind of like now.
I guess I could try the whole stream of consciousness on you but something tells me that would be pretty hideous too.
So anywhoo, what were we talking about?
So more about me I guess. We have already established that I don't like to write.
Let's do some history. I've got the two petite cheeses as you know and was technically a teen mom. By the way I think that being a teen mom is really not as bad as people say it is (granted I wasn't 14 and knocked up by my uncle, that might have been somewhat less copacetic). Actually I have no idea where I'd be if I didn't have my girls, and I'm not implying I would be worse off, but I wouldn't be here and here is actually pretty nice. I like it here actually, quite a lot. I actually just realized that I say actually a lot. Funny.
So, I've putzed (vulgar slang for a penis, I did not know that, also means engaged in a worthless activity) around here for most of my life, worked in nearly every establishment within a 40 mile span of highway and realized quite early that hospitality is not an industry that I have any interest in pursuing for the rest of my life. But it does pay the bills for now. So I went to school at the JC to pursue a degree in... music and then it was art (I am not a natural Mozart, Verdi, Callas, DaVinci or even a very good Hockney). I decided that while I could someday become a mediocre artist and probably eventually make some money at it, it would require more effort than I was really capable of on a daily basis and would not be a suitable occupation. So now I'm going to school to be a nurse. It is worth noting that I don't look when they stick the needle in my arm to donate blood and I'm not particularly good at dealing with a crisis (imagine hysterical uncontrollable laughter, perhaps not the best way to react to an emergency situation). I'm thinking they must have some sort of conditioning to prepare you for all that stuff.
I'm actually hoping that I can somehow just get paid to go to school for the rest of my life.
Maybe I'll be a college teacher.
So that brings us to today. The girls are playing with legos (the greatest toy ever invented) and I just realized it's 10:30 (but what the heck tomorrow is Saturday right!?) The voices are passing out on the couch ( I think he's a little sick) and I think I'm done with this guest post.
I hope you all enjoyed this installment of the voices and if not, well, the Mack will be back when he's feeling better.
Till then,
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

one of my favorite pics....
not much today folks... ive been pissing out my ass since last night and am dreading this years version of the three day cold/flu/liquid out both ends sickness... cheese had it, buddy had it, buddys girlfriend had it, several other people had it... starts off like food poisoning and moves right in to do wanna do nothing other than sit here in the bathroom for three days...
no thank you...
i got fucking work to do...
so i'll leave with those two images... the one at the top of the page and the one with you thinking about me sitting on the toilet with a bucket in my lap naked on the second morning of this flu/bug/poison thing... have a great evening!!!
Monday, February 02, 2009

I'm ready for more rain.... during the last rain our road became border line impassable... and that was only a taste of the adventure I'm usually looking for. cheese and i did narrowly miss some decent size rock slides on the highway, of which we promptly called our only local bar still open and asked the bar tender to warn its patrons... still our friend managed to taco a tire onto one of the slides...
it happens, its big sur... we expect it.
but i want this crazy weather to happen... unleash its fury, close the roads, knock the trees down!!! bring on the Armageddon!!!!!
well, winter time Armageddon anyway...
fires can kiss my ass and so can nuclear fallout, but let us have some flooding already! big sur is ready for it and so am i.
there are plants in our garden that think its some fucked up spring and are budding and flowering. i had a mosquito on me this weekend!!! its February fer fecks sake...
that's all I've got time for this evening kids... just me wanting some weather to happen...
hows the weather in your neighborhood... presently im expecting the dreaded red tide in our house any day now... with the sparx flying this weekend and the river patience at an all time low its sure to be right around the corner...
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