one of my favorite pics....
not much today folks... ive been pissing out my ass since last night and am dreading this years version of the three day cold/flu/liquid out both ends sickness... cheese had it, buddy had it, buddys girlfriend had it, several other people had it... starts off like food poisoning and moves right in to do wanna do nothing other than sit here in the bathroom for three days...
no thank you...
i got fucking work to do...
so i'll leave with those two images... the one at the top of the page and the one with you thinking about me sitting on the toilet with a bucket in my lap naked on the second morning of this flu/bug/poison thing... have a great evening!!!
One of your finest posts, Zack ,LOL. Get better and take it easy, it will pass. ;)
Also I tend to repeat myself quite often.
You got me man.
Um, Zack? That first comment was directed at MJ, not you....
Oh sounds like fun....lol, I'm sorry. Get well soon.
Thanks for the lovely comment at RC's. I responded there but if you don't check you won't know the truth!? Miss B calls often and is grateful for everything we did. She's also very proud she survived. She's agreed to be interviewed for an article RC suggested and asked me to please write a post and also show photos of new baby Noah and "Big Girl" Serene. She told me I could write anything I wanted and asked that I please mention the "Crimes Against Woman" unit at the police department. So much has change for her Zack and she's beyond grateful. It's really wonderful and I know you're happy for her.
Thanks for worrying about what I wrote and protecting her. I should have mentioned everything's changed. Sorry I didn't. When I get the post up stop by an take a peek at the kids. Serene speaks beautifully now and is quite the opinionated little girl. She's hilarious!
Hope you're having a terrific day.
Hi IV! Take some Pepto Bismo.
How're ya doing there kiddo?
I have faith that you're just fine and dandy.
Oh, and I thought you were defending me dude, not Bindi!
Maybe I'm just self-centered like that.
Who cares who was defending whom. I came back to say "Thanks" Zack. Thanks. Wow, we can all be so petty. I don't think that's a good thing. Are we all that self absorbed? You were defending both Bindi and Leah. You're a good man. Thanks. Go back and read and you'll understand. I'll get the post up as soon as I can. Bindi really wants all of you to see Noah and know the truth. I'll do my best because I'm not so confident RC's going to get her ass off the sofa!!! Thanks for making me think today. At first I felt angry when I read your comment, but then I didn't because I understood. I learned something valuable about how words are often misunderstood and about friendship. We may not be close any more, but I know we care about one another. I do still love you.
Did I miss something? I think I missed something.
Oh, well!
No sweetie, trust me, you didn't miss a thing.
all you can hope for at this point is getting sick after or before everyone else does. that way you have someone to bring you a clean bucket instead of sharing one
Hey, are you gonna go answer my I Can't comment? I'm going on a road trip and it could come in handy.
Feel better!
Thank you for the imagery. It will be the gift that keeps on giving. Kinda like the herpes I got from that Laotian hooker.
I hope you feel better and your toilet forgives you if not, piss on it you don;t need it with the neighbors bush next door.
I can fix this. I can actually fix this. this is my famous 2 part flu goo stopper upper cure:
1.go out and buy a container of Nancy's plain yogurt and some honey. let the yogurt get room temperature, stir in some honey for flavor and just nibble it off the end of a spoon until you've finished the whole container.
2.now get a box of regular old Ritz Crackers. sit there on the terlet and eat the whole damn thing, or as many as you can get down before you start spitting crumbs.
this works like MAGIC. better than immodium, even. god knows it tastes better than immodium, too.
you are welcome.
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