Monday, March 16, 2009

now you see it, now you dont, now you see it again...

After another whirlwind weekend of fun and excitement i am going to embark again on a work week of sobriety... yes folks i broke the wagon this weekend... on Friday i had my first beer in six days and to be quite honest it was not all i had built it up to be... it was just a nice cold beer. in reflection, that's a good thing... there were no "nectar of life" moments with it and after this weekends saturation i am looking forward to another break.

cheese is doing well, she got her first "C" on a test since I've known her and she is not happy about that. anything except an "A" is a failing grade for her... wow, i used to be astounded when i would receive a grade higher than a "D". it usually meant that a teacher was trying to give me a passing grade so she/he wouldn't have to see me in their class again... (smart teachers, heh heh..)

work this week should be good, have a couple of fun projects to look forward to...

going to go golfing here next Saturday... should be great! i wont be doing my normal beer a hole routine though, so may be I'll end up with a decent round... ah well...

in other news, I've been learning how to behave myself on other fronts... i think everyone is a little less tense about things when they are around me now... yeah...

I'll be back later this afternoon kids to get to my many cool comments from all of you great fucking people out there... have a wicked awesome Monday!!!


Anonymous said...

Are you really on the wagon? Dude!!!

Brandy Wilcoxen said...

So a guy walks into a bar with a crocodile on a leash and the bar tender freaks out and tells him to leave. The guy explains that the croc is well trained and puts his willy in its mouth and beats it over the head to prove it. "See, not a scratch." The bartender is amazed by this and asks if anyone else wants to try. A blonde stands up and says "I will, just don't beat me over the head."

kylie said...

hi z
have fun

Megan said...

Weekends so totally don't count.


random! yup, what can a guy do eh?

brandy, i love yer jokes...

thanks kylie...

mj, cheers beeyotch!!

megan, im only human...

soozie!!! commenting at two in the morning?!?!? hmmmm, what keeps you up at night? hahahahaa.... thanks for commenting, and im sure the nuns in your school were warning you girls about boys like me and my behavior long before you all knew what that even meant meant!!

soozie, i can fix your constant velocity joints... you will have to get some permission from my cheese... perhaps a pic-nic in the sun whilst i do the job would be in order... i do love chewy chocolate chip oatmeal cookies!!!

Mr. Shife said...

I have fallen off the wagon and can't get up. I have been hitting it hard lately. I think I know my days are numbered with the baby on the way so I am trying to enjoy as much beer as I can before the days of overindulgence are over. Have a happy St. Patrick's Day.

Megan said...

Just saying hello.

Walker said...

Not drinking e beer wasn't to hard for me to deal with as long as I stayd stoned.
C, thats a passing grade around here.

Kay said...

The reason it was only a beer is because it wasn't a Kokanee...

I totally feel Cheese on the grade. I pulled a solid B out of my Bio class after not taking any classes for 5+ years, and I'm retaking it when I move back to Washington... A's or nothing yo.