first off I'm quite happy for everyone who was a part of history and change... if you believe something long enough it becomes true... here is a list of things i believe in and don't believe in. some of which if implemented into our society would bring on some positive changes... some of them are not reality and therefor could never come true, unless you believe.
i don't believe in a two party system.
i cant believe people registered as independents voted republican or democrat, why would you do that?.
i believe in peoples own choice and freedoms, not what is allowed by government.
i believe all people are created equal, its what they do with their lives that makes them great or a piece of shit. that's what makes us different. if you make yourself a good person, you are a good person and so on...
i believe that systems like welfare and government monies for poor are flawed.
i believe if you are getting money from the government that they should take away your cable/satellite television. go out and get a job, better yourself and be a part of the answer not the problem.
i believe that people deserve a chance to better themselves and their situation and sitting at home is not that path. starting everyday out with the simplest of things gets you on your way. read a newspaper, go out in your towns, talk to people, volunteer your time, learn some new skills while the tax payer is giving your money and food and health care, etc..
i believe that unemployed people need to spend every waking hour looking for a job, asides from eating and shitting. maybe have some time for fucking. but employment and taxes make this country work. not Oprah and monster garage..
i think rich people should pay more.
i think poor people deserve a way to get some training to better their circumstances.
i think an eight hour day is a poor excuse for saying that you work hard. (for most jobs) look at china, japan, Switzerland, Germany, south Africa... many a nation work up to sixty hours in a week to live the lives they desire. other countries work less to have what they desire. its all up to the individual situation... so saying you work forty hour weeks and you deserve something better than someone else doesn't fly in my book.
i believe if you aren't happy with what you have than you need to go out and get what it is you need to be happy, motivate, inspire, dream, work smarter not harder.
i believe everybody has it within themselves to pull themselves up with their bootstraps and become better people.
i believe in the death penalty.
i don't believe our current prison system is a great enough threat to quell the violence in this country
i think any crime gang related should have stiffer penalties across the board. perhaps start by cutting off a hand, then a foot, perhaps cutting off someones tongue may stop them from talking so much shit.
i think if you find something that does not obviously belong to someone else you should be able to keep it.
i think property prices in the state of California are inflated.
i believe that the state of California is the fifth largest economy in the world. we should succeed.
i don't believe this current president will change very much in the next four years other than give people the hope for change that he was talking about.
i believe at there will be several assassination attempts. i don't not want that. but i do believe it will happen.
i believe most Americans are fooling themselves about their liberties and freedoms.
i believe they should teach the constitution in elementary school through high school. not just touch on it.
i believe we are breeding increasingly more and more lazy and ignorant people. not only in this country but on this planet. part of that is due to overpopulation.
i believe a global economy will work.
i believe that shortly the united states of America will unknowingly start the next world war.
i believe we will lose.
i do not believe in god or the bible, i cant. if he does exist my mother burns in hell for eternity and i cant have that.
i believe in less government.
i believe in socialized health care, i think we should be able to get a second opinion.
i believe in the barter system.
i believe that people vote passionately and not necessarily know exactly what they are voting on. this is how i think that prop eight passed. people didn't quite read the prop and what they were voting on. i think they should vote that one again.
i believe in good and evil.
i don't believe that drug use and possession of drugs should be illegal for adults. if you want to fuck up your own life be my guest. this of course does not apply to children and operating a car or machinery. i think that the under the influence laws should apply.
i believe that at some point we will have to grant illegal immigrants some sort of citizenship. make them pay taxes and give them some sort of health care and schooling that they pay for.
i believe we should tax monies and wire transfers to other countries to start paying for this.
i believe no one should be able to tell you if you can get married or not. forty years ago it was illegal to marry a person of another color. now its against the law for gay folks to get married.
i don't believe in our voting process, i believe a popular voting system better represents our countries needs.
i believe i was born two hundred years to early or two late.
i don't believe in equal rights for everyone. some people (criminals, pedophiles, rapists, etc.) don't deserve those rights. they betrayed them and the rest of the people who fight for them.
i don't believe in fighting other peoples wars. how many Iraqis are going to come to our rescue when Venezuela invades? (hypothetically speaking, i don't necessarily believe Venezuela will invade. but who knows?)
i don't believe I'm the smartest person i know, but I'm smarter than some.
i believe in a zero unemployment America. people used to walk across this country on foot to find food, water, jobs, a better life... its possible even for the poorest, hungriest least educated people to move and find a place to live according to their means. we are a wealthy country.
i believe in a lot of things. i don't know how to achieve them all or how to put them into effect. but i know that anything is possible if you believe.... oh and i didn't vote. remember i don't believe in this government, so voting for the "lesser of two weevils" is not going to work for me... do i care if things change? not really. no matter what happens in this country for the next four years i will survive. i always have. our government will do as it pleases and enact laws to make that happen, regardless of what the people think they have just voted for.

i also don't take myself too seriously with the things i think i believe in. what i truly believe in is much simpler. i believe i am the only one who can make myself happy and that no one is going to do that for for me. i know
I'm not perfect and sometimes need help.
I'm not here to change the world and the way people think either. i make and change my own history,
I'm a leader not a follower, so getting on any band wagon and
believing I've done something for the greater good
doesn't happen in my life. i affect people around me and in my community by being a positive force. so yeah, love it or leave it.
I guess I'm the odd man out because if you believe what you wrote, then you're an idiot and so are the rest of the hoo-yahs egging you on. But, God bless America and everyone who comprises her.
11:08 AM