Thursday, March 05, 2009

whats yours?

sometimes life finds you in a crying in a corner with your head between your knees, wishing that god would pull the trigger for you.... making it easier to end it all....

other times life finds you effortlessly floating on a cloud of euphoria, experiencing the world through rose tinted glasses with a glass of champagne in one hand and a cigarette in the other..

but most of the times we hope that life finds us somewhere in the middle... working for what we have and being able to appreciate it... but is this what we hope life is really about... a constant murmur of good fortune and luck? nothing bad ever to happen to us? no chaos, no heart break, confusion?

fuck all that noise...

I'm glad to know what a hand gun in my mouth feels like, I'm happy to report that i have stood on top of some of our countries tallest bridges and leaned over the edge thinking how easy it would be to go... i know what its like to poison myself to near death with drugs and alcohol within millimeters of letting my self go only to come back stronger...

i also know what is like to not have a care in the world, to be on top of everything, life, love, leadership... to be in control of ones own destiny, to know that even if tragedy happened my life that instant, it has been full filled and i am ready to go....

mostly i spend my time bouncing in between these worlds...

anybody who knows me, knows this...

the big question is always where is he now?!?!?!?


The Mistress said...

He is over at CyberPete’s trying to win The Freakin’ Green Elf Shorts!

Great caption on your first attempt to win them, by the way.

Suzanne said...

Looks like I came back at the right time. "Myself" is one word, not two.

Yes, I know you're laughing. You'll laugh even harder at this. I logged onto your blog, saw Rob's blog, logged onto his, wrote a long comment to the family, went to post and Blogger told me it "failed." WHAT!!!??? I retrieved it, copied it to Word Perfect. Tried again. Nothing. Logged off, turned the computer back on, retraced my tracks and realized I'd been here. I forgot! Then I saw unsidedown tits. Ahhhhhhhhhh, yes, now I remember.

Darling, you're going to be fine. Just breathe for Christ sakes. I mean it. There are days that suck and we've all had them. There are weeks that suck and we've all had them. They pass if you let them.


That Guy said...

Well, It was good to see you for 5 seconds at the Liver Inn.

You do it right, Danielson.

You do it right.

Cece said...

I think he is shitfaced and eating moon pies.

just bob said...

You are in Big Sur.

FirstNations said...

well you sure aint here bitch and I wish you were. we didn't get long enough to visit. theres things to be and people to do still. you are righteous people, you and cheese. too bad you ride jap. still,
the way I see it, if you can face out the humiliation of that you can survive pretty much anything. now sober up, have a sandwich and go take a fuckin' dump. regularity is 9/10ths of good attitude. fiber. go. now.

Megan said...

i been in some of those places, too...

but i don't want to go back. rather stay here and read first nations comments...

Suzanne said...

Yes, just checking in. I agree with Nations and Megan. You're going to be okay.

Nothing has ever changed. I love you.


Leni Qinan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leni Qinan said...

I couldn't agree more with FN too, Zack. There are better and worst moments in life, and it's hard to reach balance. But you have such a lot going for you.

Think of it and enjoy even the smallest things that life can offer; it might help you and give you the strength to go on.

That's my trick, and sometimes it works. :)

The Mistress said...

You're missing The Women of Infomaniac.

Including NIPPLAGE!

cher said...

just don't look down and you can normally carry on

Brandy Wilcoxen said...

Like you read my mind. However, its not until after those difficult times are over and done before I can appreciate them.

Unknown said...

Hmmm...sitting with your some local bar in Big Sur...gettting shit faced for sure! Love ya bro!

Suzanne said...

Just checking in. Look honey, Robyn's here!!! Life can't be ALL bad!

Love you. Happy Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

The voices has taken a self-imposed hiatus from his blog, because I told him if he didn't quit his bitching about my computers lovely little quirks (read bugs and wierdness) then he could quit using it...
Hence he doesn't have access to a computer till he get's his own...
I did not kick him off! I just want you all to know: he did have a choice.
and I think he's doing better since this post, especially since i asked him to take a break from the sauce for a couple days. Baby steps...

Megan said...

I will be patient. But I won't like it. That's why they call it a virtue. Because you don't like it.