Friday, November 07, 2008


Megan doesn't know it yet, but this challenge is for her... here is a picture i dug up the other day and sent to denim... i liked it so much i thought id save it and post it some time... well that time is now folks... here is the deal-e-o...

Megan is bored at work and has been quoted as saying " waiting breathlessly for anyone you know to post something new...". so here you go Megan, i charge you with writing the best story about this photo. than everyone else can either write one better or add on to it or concede that you are the best story teller! whatever they please, but yours has to be undoubtedly the best!!

so this is your challenge and since you are truly bored at work you should have lots of time to be creative with this one!! good luck!


Megan said...

Oh holy hell.


you thought you had nothing to do at work today eh?

Megan said...



dont be a wuss...

oakland heidi said...

Hey Z,

Just wanted to say that I miss your face.

Do you and cheese ever drink in town?


the carmelite



glad to hear you are doing well!!!! do you do any drinking in palo?

CSI Seattle said...

There is a story here alright. But I don't think it's about the people in the picture. I think it might be about the photographer who set up this shot.

I'd like to drink with that guy.

Megan said...

The Voices echoed inside her head, echoes of forgotten practices and reminders of mindless drudgery. Beneath her fingers, his foot lay passive, yet his knuckles were white with tension, gripping the arms of the chair as he would have liked to grip her throat. The only sounds were the soft, viscous lapping of the holy oil against the sides of the basin and the intake of her breath as she counted down the minutes until her release.

Outside the windowless room, vague shouts and screams announced the presence of souls in torment, crying, “Is it five o’clock yet?”

That Guy said...

Damn megan.

a. said...

Um, Megan? Why haven't you written a novel yet?

Leah said...

That's really good, Megan, no shit.


dang megan, here i thought you might try and back out and i am left utterly unable to compete or have anything witty to say! please may i ask you to guest post one day...

*rereads, then reads again. and again and again and and and...*

wow, well one thing can be said for sure... what ever it is you do for work, they probably dont pay you enough!!!

thank you very much for rising to the challenge and making a great end of the week!!!

*cheerses beer and buy her next several rounds at the onion*

Megan said...

cheerses to you too, my son...

Megan said...

Suz has entered the building.

Daisy said...

megan...that really was incredible...i couldn't look away when reading and as i am ADHD that is something...why are you not making money writing books...i would buy them...

That Guy said...

Wow...had to re-read megan's entry. Really good.

Missed you at RI last night, yo. You didn't miss much

That Guy said...

While not first, my rendition of the photo (above) can best be described by Precious, the talking dog.



MEGAN..and cheerses back and back again...

csi, after megans vision i doubt even the photographer had such a story in mind...

leah, you got it!

suz, calm down or yer gonna hurt yerself...
the trash can has always been there and no one has taken it away... everything is as it seems here and cheese doesn't think your ploy is working either...

daisy, i would buy one as well... it wouldnt be the first book ive bought from a fellow blogger.. *winks at cecile*

that guy, sooooo..... RI it was eh? where were you when i was making my new greenhouse then???


annie ha!! welcome to the voices... i see you over at megans and perhaps we have had lured you over for this one and only post, but since you were here i must say WELCOME TO THE VOICES! please come back and we will try and visit yer blog as well!!

*plots and brews wicked spell for annie ha, for she will now be unable to resist returning for more*

Cece said...

I think Megan wins.

Walker said...

Remind me never to say I am bored around you


cec, yes i do believe she has it...

walker, *spins transfixing hypnotic device in front of walker*

you will never be bored again....