Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009
I'M BACK!!!!

after careful consideration and many days of mulling about, I've decided not to amened, deleted, edit or change a single post.. my life has never been about "looking back to what could have been", "what might have happened if", or "if i just would have changed something..." I've talked a lot of hard truth here on "the voices"... some of it might be hard to swallow, a lot of it will be hard to handle, even more of it is a virtual undressing of myself in front of a crowd of people from the abyss....
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
what if....
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
love you cheese..
you may not know, cheese got on a bus and then a plane on Sunday, went back to work and resumed her life... i however did not.
oh what a life we lead eh?
I've been snowboarding! drunk in the snow! on long walks in near white out conditions. my two weeks in sub freezing temperature were spent wearing shorts... (yeah you know me!!) i watched the best fight I've seen in years happen within feet of me! (GO DRUNK AUSTRALIAN SHIT LIPS!!!) I've been overdosed with family, responsibility, love and guilt all in several minutes! driven twelve hundred miles up the western coast, damn near frisked at the border, tried to make a naked snow angel...etc.. you all can ask me about etc. late...
i watched an episode of "MTV cribs" where the kid sitting next to me on the couch was the star.... that was quite a thing... little ski/sponsored buddy sitting there was guiding MTV watchers through his house and showing us where "the magic happens"! oddly, most of the kids i was introduced to this week are sponsored by mega corporations like red bull, Burton, etnies, Kawasaki, Honda, Helly Hanson, etc...
why did i waste my youth on rebelling from authority? i should have been riding a snow board/skiing/wake boarding/kite surfing/etc..
anyway, i have a lot to post! a few great pics!!! i got a good whiff at mjs back door, (she didn't answer, but i swear it was hers!!!) met some loggers and i will meet CSI SEATTLE tomorrow! i tried to meet up with him this evening but he had some usual suspects lined up at his place and couldn't be torn away.. one must move along when they can, I'm not the only one buying pizza and beer this evening...
I've become addicted to television once again and will spend the next four years forgetting what I've seen...
*runs away from self to shout something out to his readers*
"find/buy/rent every season of trailer park boys you can get your hands on!! the most ridiculous humour one could possibly forget!!!"
*tackles self into pile of piss buckets*
well i must find some place to sleep as I'm here at sheshes, aka "get her a beer" in my blog roll.
i miss you all so much! and sorry to those i have not met up with yet and to those i will meet soon!!! the voices will be back in your heads soon!!!!! and I'll be back to uber commentsie backsies as well, give a man a break, i only take one month long vacations every three years!!!
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
*sighs deeply with restraint, lips pursed*
seattle is the same in july as it is in January... wonderfully wet and windy...
sorry to those i havent gotten back to with in weeks, with your addictive comments, its hard to vacation for a month and be responsible... yeah....
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping channels. She asked, 'What's on TV?' My wife and I are watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while we were in bed. I turned to her and said, "Do you want to have sex?" |
Sunday, January 04, 2009

so kids tomorrow we are a outta here... my work has no idea yet that im taking an additional two weeks off. my life will wait until i return and i have fixed the girls car who will caretake for us while we are gone sufficiently enough to make it up and down our road for a week. the chickens are out of normal food but have a weeks worth of "chicken crack" to tide them over. (thats the candy you give them when theve been good little chickens). the dogs will hopefully not run off and kill anything. the house will hopefully not burn down. there wont be too many parties to miss out on whilst we are MIA.