"there is no such thing as can't..."
it was amazing. i tried to tell cheese how important of a thing this was to me, but sometimes words escape me... at our house i say things like this a lot. also i tend to repeat myself quite often. also i tend to repeat myself quite often...
perhaps I've talked about this before... meh, i don't remember..
at my work we had/have a mantra that my boss came up with before he died...
"the difficult we do immediately, the impossible will take a bit longer."
when i was hired at my present job, i was a punk kid with righteous chip on my shoulder. i could do anything. i didn't have a doubt about myself or my abilities... i was "the man"... i had been through everything a twenty four year old could possibly through... use your imagination here...
(i had amassed quite a list here a minute ago then deleted it, i got tired of putting my past in print. it would be easier to write what i haven't done than to list the things i have...)
....any way. she said it. "there is no such thing as can't."
i beamed!!! it is a really hard fact to realize and some of you may argue the point. bring it... tell me there is something i cant do... try it... ooooh i cant run for president... wanna bet?!?!
more realistic... with ability there is consequence... sure you can do anything you want, but you pay for it... rob a bank, no problem! but you will get caught. hack a government computer, also been done, again you will get caught... but to say "i cant do that." doesn't really exist. you can, you can do anything you set you mind to. only you can tell your self you cant do something and believe it... no one can make you believe in something. you choose to do it or not. you set your limitations in life, not some one else...
I've taken a huge amount of flack in my life for having this belief... many people have given valid examples to the contrary.
"people in a coma CAN'T drive a car..."
"deaf people CAN'T hear you..."
"you CAN'T tell the future..."
blah blah blah...
i can prove you wrong... every time...
I'm not boasting, i don't care if you think I'm right or wrong. everything is possible, i can do it. i can do anything... when i complain that my life sucks, its my fault, i choose to be in this portion of my life, i can do something about it. etc.
tell me there is something that you think you CAN'T DO and i will show you a way to accomplish it...
i dare you...
if a ten year old girl can believe that she can do anything she chooses to do and accept the fact that she will have to answer to those choices she makes in life than you can do it too...
have a great weekend all, do something you would have thought is not possible.
that was great...and good for her to pick such an important saying to remember and repeat...i always tell people that children really do listen to them, it's what they filter that becomes important in their lives...it's always wise to be cautious around these little ones because they pick up everything and don't always keep the good stuff...
fluff your feathers a little more...you done good!
Great outlook on life. I can't think of a rebuttal.
I did not think it would be possible to get out of bed today.
But look at me now!
*shuffles off singing "Can do can do" I'm like the Little Engine that could.
Right on, brother.
I can't believe Just Bob, commented what he did. He is such a funny guy. That's a good thing to live by. When I hear my boys say "I can't" I always tell them, "Can't never could do nothing." I know it's terrible English with the double negative and all, and they usually look at me with a very confused look on their faces. But then again, they are only 7.
That's an excellent philosophy of life, and an optimistic point, Zack. And it's good to think this way and try to get your goals.
Every day I struggle to get my most desired dream in life and sadly, I can only get one inch nearer and still I'm miles away from it. It's an impossible dream. ;)
Some things are unfortunately impossible (*sigh*) but it's worth trying.
I can't get a picture of MJ naked, any help?
so can you T-bag yourself with everything still attached?
i think everyone will need photo evidence of this.
denim, when you are as old as me, anything is possible....
daisy, thanx for the kudos... now if i could only filter the things i remember...
just bob! thankx man!
mj, we know you can!!! choo choo!!!
megan *high fives*
cece! folks say the strangest things eh? i constantly baffle those around me. most of the times i think i speak in tongues...
leni, dreams are indeed impossible sometimes... like i have this one where, well nevermind... its possible, but id probably get a little jail time for it...
knudsen!!! that jimmy bastard fella said he had a line on some, but who fuckin knows what hes sayin these dayz...
brandy, thanx!!!
I can't pee standing up without getting some in my shoe.
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