just had a few moments before i head home for the evening and i thought id leave you all with a little something. we recently had a member of the community try and kill himself. its the anniversary of his fathers death and its been hard for him. not to mention that any time he drives to town he can see where his fathers last moments where, right there on that turn in the highway.
this friend, cheese's cousin took a gun to his head. the squeezing of the trigger must have changed the angle ever so slightly and the bullet went through the roof of his mouth and out his eye.
hes stable and in the critical care center in San Jose. where and what he does after this only he knows...
but here is my thought. I've been there, been suicidal and been around suicidal people before. its hard to tell and hard to know whats going on the minds of the uber depressed. but if there is ever anything you see or think you can see, let them know that's really not an option. yeah it sucks ass when you are wrong, but id rather be proven wrong than have thought about it, done nothing and then be proven right.
just let them know they are "not alone". that's where a lot of that anguish goes, they/we feel alone...
that's all i would ask for anyone to do for me, so i would ask that you take the chance of looking like a fool and reach out to those who might be at risk....

I'm very sorry to hear about this. I hope he comes out of it as well as he can.
Good words of advice... familiar words of advice, actually. I seem to remember a comment about a year back saying smtg to the effect that "people are out there" - yep, it meant something.
nice, thanks b-egg. glad to know somethings stick, even if it just for the moment. and i do remember the coment in question... hope the day is great for you!
Damn. That's so hard. I've been there before, and it sucks. It may be cliche, but people really are there, and they really do care...hell, I care, and I don't even know him.
thanks sushi, i wish there was a way to convey to him and others that there are people here for them. out there, in here,everywhere... i spent hours on the phone with suicide hotline people in the past, dial 0 and an operator will put you in touch imediatly, listen to you cry, etc. after my mom committed suicide, things were tough, so many unanswered questions, i had a hard time not relating to her emotions and despair... and as always i wish there would have been more i could have done... thanks again for the kind thoughts... and how are you doing?
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