Tuesday, November 20, 2007

i feel better

yeah, temper tantrum there... my bad! i guess i was hungry. had some killer sushi last night and was having some gas too... so i guess the moral of the story is; if I'm hungry and gassy, don't fucking piss me off. now i have to find those tools that i chucked into the shop... enjoy your Tuesday!


Kay said...

No worries man, I think everyone understands. Maybe not the hungry-gasy equation, but the anger over human stupidity.


found the wrenches and the chunk of steel, nothing broken. thanks for asking. was an interesting day. hope you have a good "thanks for letting us steal your country day!!!"

Kay said...

That is awesome. I'm probably going to steal that from you. Don't worry, I'll give credit where credit is due. "Thanks-for-letting-us-steal-your-country Day" I fucking love it.