first off, go here if your board at work and no one will look at your computer screen. its one woman's blog about her enjoyment of being spanked... interesting stuff, there seems to be quite a culture of it all. not so much the s&m or leather and chains stuff, just the enjoyment of spankings and being spanked... almost seems vanilla to me, hmmm...
i had this idea see, that i would have a bit of a contest! you will have to let me know in advance if you want to participate. no you don't get any free shit and the only winner would be me... sorry I'm not cool enough to give away any free stuff...
but see this picture down below here.... it needs a funny caption...

see how that worked???
alright, I'll try to make it easier...
step#1 leave name in this comment box, that you will be participating.
step#2 leave anonymous comment in Wednesdays contest post.
step#3 i will see if i can appropriately guess who left what comment...
see how that works now?
still no eh?
i cant help you then. but feel free to scribble on the desk in front of you and taste that highlighter you've been coloring the sun in with, in your barney goes to school coloring book. good luck....
lemme know what y'all thought of the spanking blog too...
i guess you could all take shots at who is making the anon comments as well, shit i guess you folks will need to have some fucking fun too... ooohhh, you could even comment on your own anon comment to throw me off the trail!!! the possibilities are crazy!!!
edit: ive decided i might not even use that photo, so dont get too attached to it... in fact im gonna choose a totally random photo from my archives so there...
must have everything fixed today.
dunno if i wanna participate yet...
i think denim is stuck on the spanking blog now and doesnt want to be a part of our wholesome family fun...
the machines in your work area...
no comments so you want to change the picture, huh? figures...
So what? To play I have to get rid of the pretty little photo that follows me everywhere? And to point out the f****** obvious, if you get rid of the photo, what the hell are we going to write a caption to? Honey, are you firing on all six cillenders? I'm not sure I want to play this game. Meet me at the Wild Onion. I'll give you my answer after something refreshing.
P.S. Apparently I'm not alone.
OK I got it and I'm in.
That's all I;m saying
Not another word until tomorrow.......................
My name here.
Oh, what the hell...see ya tomorrow.
God, Gig, Walker and Megan? Okay. I'm in. Damn. Please don't change the damn photo because it takes a ton of my brain power to figure crap like this out. And I'm not good on the fly.
DENIM, thats right... if you would have been over at mjs "you would know by now.... eazy does it..." hahahahaa, anyway, i thought it might be to simple for people to have time to think about how to fool me... i mean you might try and throw me by leaving a really long comment... hmmm....
and yes, ME ME ME...
SUZ, sorry to hear you are used to only six cylinders.... round here weve got eight...
walker. good...
megan, *writes down second name on magical paper, rolls it*
gig... till then gmom.
suz, glad you are part of the group then... is that yellow highlighter i see?!?!? heheheheheeeee.....
You need a good spanking, young man.
I'm in. Oh and there will be prizes....yes, there will be prizes.
I'm not in because I'm too slow-witted to come up with something.
I'm in and I'm dragging Leah with me.
Well I dont understand the instructions but I am in anyway
was i supposed to be anonymous today or tomorrow
collects all the highlighters from everyone and begins writing the post for people to comment on....
spanky... COME AND GET IT!!!
csi, um... are you bringing something? heh heh...
leah, just throw some really big fancy words onto the comment box like normal... dont let your fear of wit be your unintended flagalistic inhibitor...
goob!! glad your dragging leah into it...
anon, thats the spirit!!!
beast, you can be anon when ever you like around here...*wonders where that faint smell of salad cream is coming from*
I'm in
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