Wednesday, November 21, 2007

whats on the menu?

I've got some friends who love killing shit. only if they can harvest the meat, that is important to them. the other day i did some work on a buddy's truck and when he broke out his wallet to pay, i said...

"bring me some good meat."

so yesterday he comes in with an eight pound antelope roast.

"soak it in milk overnight and it'll be ready to eat!"

"oh, hell yeah!"

cheeses family is coming over for the first time for most of them... and I'll be cooking some dinner. she doesn't get out of class until seven, then a forty minute drive home.. so when i get home its going to be hectic... ready? here we go...

pull into yard, let out dogs, crack open beer, stoke fire, water chickens, collect eggs, water and feed turkeys, (if you haven't been paying attention we now have two live turkeys in a new pen, royal palms, anyways...) bring eggs into house, have a smoke, pull some carrots from the garden, and some early potatoes?, collect a few of the last good tomatoes, get some garden herbs, bring into house, open new beer, brown roast, cut veggies and throw in with roast, take a shot of Yeager, put roast and shit into oven, make salad, clean table and kitchen, let dogs in, feed and water dogs, do the "wipe and clean house" for awhile, get another beer, answer phone messages, set table and make cheese plate for snacks, welcome the first guests, mix drinks/pour wine, drink rest of beer and get another one, bring some more wood into the house, have a smoke, take quickie shower, put on nice shirt, check meat, slice up some zucchini, prep veggies for frying, shell garlic, slice and sear, add butter and salt and perhaps some honey, slice some bread and prep garlic bread for later, drink a beer, chat with guests and kick the fucking dogs out again. pull meat out of freezer for tomorrow, give "the tour" to all the new guests that have never been there before, suggest a round of shots, "no?", take a shot my self and have a beer, welcome cheese home and pass it all on to her, go out side to have a smoke and help people park.

by then it'll eight pm and i can relax... so most of these folks will hopefully spend the night. its a damn far drive to anywhere from our house and its a drinking and driving nightmare holiday! which means breakfast! i picked up two great bottles of champagne to have with orange juice with breakfast. homegrown eggs and bacon. bagels, English muffins or toast. i might be inspired to do some of my famous omelets instead, we will see. and some coffee!! oh hell yeah. then the clean up will happen and the cooking will start all over again! I've invited some folks up to do some skeet shooting round noon, so that should be fun! for lunch i still have some Alaskan crab legs in the freezer and got some wild smoked salmon as well, could be good? no? with some crunchy bread?

then for dinner the neighbors are bringing a turkey, some baked brie, and a pie i believe. cheese got some killer apples at work yesterday and will be baking pie as well. she mentioned something about cream puffs and i liked her sausage stuffed mushrooms idea as well. ill throw down and make smoked wild boar sausage orderves(sp?) and whats left of the salmon with ye another cheese and fruit plate.

i think I'm making deer steaks to sit alongside of the turkey and buddy is bringing some homemade rolls. another monster salad and some purple potatoes. finally some Costco cheese cake and ice cream and pie and fruit.

Costco makes "the best" fucking cheese cake. think we are topping with some wild black berries.

well i smell like shit and can barely sit next to myself at this point. (i spilt several gallons of gear oil in my truck and managed to get it all over my sweat shirt as well... if cancer had a smell, this would be it.) so I'm going to go outside and pretend to do some work! have a happy one and I'll be checking in on everybody this weekend. so don't be fucking lazy and post something!!! I'll try to get some pics together if you do!!


Old Knudsen said...

For fucks sake I think I need to move in with you.


HAHAHAHAAAA, come on over!

Kay said...

Good Lord. You guys know how to eat. I'm on my way. MarkyMark refuses to get out of be, so it'll just be me, but I'm on my way. I'll bring Kokanee.

That you know of and use purple potatoes is enough to make me want to steal you from Cheese. I officially love you.


begg, so much work!!!! so much fun! ended up going on a ten mile dirtbike ride as well! cheers to you as well!
kay< you will always be welcome here! especialy if you bring down some kokanee. cheese is the one who introduced me to purple potatoes, so you might have to steal her from me!!

im so hungover right now... my shoulder is dark purple from shooting guns for hours yesterday, my leg is torn up and slightly bloody from running myself over on my quad, and all the other "woe is me" shit that goes along with two straight days of partying....

ooohhhhh, woe is meeeeee....



Secret Agent Squid said...

Ummm, yes. Inkeep? I'd like a wake up call at 9.30, heaps of that eggs and some lovely homegrown eggs. Hope you have good coffee.
And I'd like an antelope-roast sandwich for lunch, please. Maybe a side of smoked salmon.
....your guests will be obese in a matter of hours, good GOD man! I want to come visit!!! We can cook for days, ok? Oooookay!

Secret Agent Squid said...

"heap of that eggs" = "heap of that bacon"
go me!
I'm ovum obsessed, what can I say.


OREAD!!! hahahahhaaa... we do do it up. twas a fun evening and there was not a scrap of antelop left after dinner, i thought of samwich meat as well, alas no love for me in the following afternoon.