putafuck!!! look at this picture... "i think we should camp out here dear... wadda you think?!?!" what kind of folks gear up and get all pumped on spending the night sleeping out on the side of the mountain?! not outside on the mountain but OUT on the SIDE of the mountain....
anyways i showed up late to work today due to the fact we had another realtor coming today and we were trying to pimp the house out like we normally do... so i was late and the higher ups couldn't find their keys, tools, parts, head out of there ass, proper oil, etc... so they tried to pressure me into feeling like i was in trouble.
"you're late." one said.
"i called this morning, no one was here, so i left a detailed message. and besides i worked late on Friday, until seven."
"that was last week and it doesn't matter anyway. i made you a list and re-prioritized your week." he said
"okay, did you order me any parts for those jobs?"
"no you will have to do that! i cant do everything for you!" the other higher up responded.
"so until the parts i need to do those jobs arrive should i continue on the schedule i put forth last week? i have those parts and it seems more efficient to me do the jobs i have parts for."
"i want you to do the jobs i have laid out for you on the list."
i order the parts and check stock on the things he has listed. takes about twenty minutes...
"so I'm outta here, guess I'll be back Wednesday, those parts wont be here till then and i don't want to do anything that's not on your list of priorities..." i say as i put my sweat shirt on and leave the office. i had no intent of going home and was planning on starting my day as normal...
"get back here! what the fuck do you think-- oh, your not leaving, yeah... get to work!"
i reply in my best Donald duck voice(of which I'm not that bad at impersonating)..."dah, okay boss."
have a nice Monday kids!!!
BTW!!!! i took a late nineties 700 series dump truck that burned in half and not only started it, drove it to its new desitination, BUT left the keys (with fairly good feelings) with the owners....
the tally?
three new passenger side tires
one new rim
one bypassed auto-slack adjuster
four pairs of vise-grips
one broken specialty tool (am bummed about that one)
thirty feet of wire
one roll of duct tape
three knuckels with freshly removed skin
one roll of doublesided plumbers tape
eight cold coors lights (gotta love my fans!)
six brass air line fittings
two brass plugs
one busted up dash board (so i could see what left of the gauges)
hmmm... there more but who cares...
this truck was parked in front of an electrical building that had forty some odd cords of oak stacked next to it... needless to say, it burned fucking hot. HOT.... it took and brand new generator (still in the box, worth about twelve thousand bucks) and made a beautiful pool of metals swilling around one another.... the truck was burnt on the entire passenger side... to the ground... the interior of the cab look like a bad ren/stimpy movie on acid..... yeahbitch, i fix anything!!!!!
cant fucking spell, but i fix all, im am the man!!!
I AM A GOD!!!!!
wait, hello?
isnt anybody listening?!?!? hello???
*shuffles off to find another warm beer*