well now that the fucking mayhem has subsided for twenty minutes, i can get on with the show... after consulting with my spiritual advisor (see picture above) she has adjusted her tuning forks to the dark side and is open for receiving messages through her ummm... anyway, here we go..
our first anonymous commenter who wrote this:
1. With six extra ovaries her cramps were quite painful.
2. He rode her box from Intercourse, Pennsylvania to Climax, Georgia.
queen goob!!!! with her excellent spelling and knowledge of geography it can only be her...
next in line we have these comments:
#1 It's not the same without my thighmaster
#2 Good thing I bought the laptop and not the desktop.
and these funny captions are from our very own
walker! his use of computers lets us all know the difference between lap and desk tops!!! well done walker!
our third commenter brought us these gems:
Leroy misundertood...he thought COMPAQ meant it be fittin in yo' trunk
this one was tough... it was between beast and Hunter... but i do believe *throws ancient runes into the air and reads them* it was
hunter! no need to clap or applaud just yet folks, there is more amazement to come!!!
the fourth comment was meant to throw me off, it was by a different commenter using the same material as the one before it. here it is:
Leroy likes his cars and computers like his woman. Compaq box, some junk in the trunk and riding them from the rear.
and this sneaky person is non other that than the infamous
megan!!! nice try meg, but you cant fool the master!!!
number five goes as follows:
In the spirit of Johnnie Carson.....
Answer: 6 of her legs around your head
Question: What is better than Angelina wrapping her two legs around your head?
this commenter we know as
csi seattle!! yeah, with his love of music and police like thinking abilities, this comment could only be from him. as a crime scene investigator he is always left with the answer to things and has to go in reverse to find out the questions...
now, comment six was a tough one to figure out:
Picture 1.
Mistress MJ finds the triple layering of the gusset from having to wear three pairs of tights , don't half itch.
Picture 2 . Winston worries that his appalling flatulence and halitosis makes him an unwelcome addition to the work car pool.
but i do believe it is
beasts comment! there are several of you who like to forget punctuation in comments (like my self) and since this one has most of it i thought he might be trying to throw me off... yeah beast got you on this one eh?
number seven of the anon comments also posted another one, I'll put them both together for reading pleasure...
Pic 2 -
Creators of the Phrase "Junk in the Trunk" are Outraged at Geek's Misguided Attempt to be "Street"
For the first one -
First Look at Spidey IV - Black Widow Joins Cast
these two comments belong to....
SUZZANE!!! i wasn't sure again about that one, as i tend to offend her weekly and never am sure if shes coming back, but after scratching the belly button lint and spreading it out on a squirrel pelt i could clearly see that those entries were form suz...
next on the comic caption contest was this one:
Angie's Radical Surgery Backfires, Doctors Without Borders Spokesman Confirms - "She still hasn't got enough body fat to sustain even the smallest village for more than a few hours"
obviously after rubbing the voices' incredibly sized Buddha belly and listening to its afternoon pre-beer rumblings, translating them i understood that this entry was from
gig!!!oh yeah, you know that one was from you....
and finally the last comment:
AAHHHHHH it burns!!!!!
hunter, you sneaky bastard... trying to slip one by me at the end of the day and change it up. i noticed you had not entered a caption for the first photo and need to find something to fill in that void... nicely done!!!
congratulations to me for being the all knowing, all seeing, evil mastermind of my own delusions... please, please, no need for self sacrifice or virgins laid down at my feet... here at the voices we already have everything we need to make me happy...
thank you to all that entered and to those that didn't enter anon, your captions were equally as great and very funny. now since i know i'm right about all the entries, there is no need to tell me how awesome i am, but i would like you to all vote on your favorites! winner gets bragging rights for the rest of the week!!! good luck!!!