Wednesday, October 08, 2008

lack of anything good to post...

yep, i got nothing but a funny pic for you all today... enjoy the middle of yer week!


Anonymous said...

Gack. That just ain't right!!!

Leah said...

Horrifyingly limber!

Anonymous said...

I don't wanna know what that guy does when he finds his pee pee. YUCK!!!

Hope all is well with you!!

Kookaburra said...

You too, hey?

I have hit the proverbial brick wall and have resorted to posting a joke that was e-mailed to me.

Megan said...

Have you heard the phrase, "stringing me along?"


Suzanne said...

Hey you. Hi.

Walker said...

I hope he found what he was looking for

That Guy said...

What do you mean nothing good to post. This guy about sums up everything. You wanna, but you can't.

Have a chub-tastic day.

The Mistress said...

Is he on his shoe phone?


beast, that leader of the pack thing feels nice eh?

scratch, if you had one one youd try that too...

goob, bust the good shit out, cmon!!

leah, *shudders*

random, you said pee pee.... hee hee.

kook! jokes are good bro, that one was a pretty good one too!

megan, have to keep you coming back some how.

hi suz!

walker, got to give him props for trying though...

that guy!!! *laughs at chub-tastic*

mj, i think its a scene from a james bond spoof...

knuds!!! whom ever will i poke fun at then?!?!?