Thursday, October 16, 2008

not feeling it

i poached this pic from a link from one of mjs subordinates... they are having a bit of a blog tutorial over there and people are learning how to do cool shit. i should be over there paying attention, but as you can see... I'm not.

i love these kinds of pics, its not what you can see, but what you cant sometimes that is the biggest draw to a photo. i have some nude pics in my collection that you cant see anything.. (you know what i mean..) and other where they are splayed out all over... i do enjoy this one though....

I'm going to a wedding today, an old time buddy. used to be real close friends with that group and up until a few years ago i would have been in the wedding, gone on the bachelor party trip and been making speeches... yeah i do miss it some, but wouldn't trade my life now for anything...

question to you all, is marriage more about embracing the future or letting go of the past?


The Mistress said...

My mother, may she rest in peace, would have told that young lady that she'd catch cold in her kidneys if she didn't cover up.

Let that be a lesson to you if you're planning to attend the wedding in stockings and a garter belt.


the only suit i have left is my birthday suit.. its odd when ever i show up to formal engagements im immediately asked to leave... i just cant figure it out!

Leni Qinan said...

Uh oh, big question today!

I guess those who are married would say it's letting go of the past and the single ones would dream of embracing the future with their significant others.

My old uncle -a very wise guy- would simply say: 'If you get married, you will regret it. But if you don't get married, you will regret it too'.

Live and learn. (Man, my head's aching with so much thinking, lol).

Anonymous said...

i'd have to say, how can you do one without the other? so it's both, jerk.

don't know how excited i am. are they feeding us or what?


denim... they will feed me... i doubt you though mister attitude... ha hah ahah ahah ahahahahahhhaaaaaccchhhoooooooo....



I keep clicking my own blog to check out the pic... im so hot for teacher... hahahaha....

BEAST said...

Marriage , at its best, is being part of something thats more than the sum of its parts

CSI Seattle said...

Marriage is all about the future. But if your wife finds that box of pictures of old girlfriends, then she hand you a lighter and insist that you let go of the past.

kylie said...

that picture is ..........

looking for words


OK, about marriage. your question got me in a sore spot. my nearly 17 year marriage has been rocky and the last few especially. i've been thinking about this subject a lot lately, the past is so dark i'm scared to embrace a future that might turn out to be more of the same but if i dont embrace the future am i condemning myself to more misery? and if i can manage to embrace the future how do i go about it?

yep, i'm using your place as therapy, i'm home alone with time to think and to feel sorry for myself and i'm lonely.
sorry about that


Kookaburra said...

Marriage for me is about letting go of the past and embracing the future.

Picture this...
A couple standing at the crossroads with their arms around each others shoulders; not knowing what the future holds but facing it together.

Queen Goob said...

Kook - I like the picture you painted and I think it's a blend of the past and the future that makes marriage one hell of a ride. I'm thinking the best route for me would be to arrive at that crossroads in an armored CAT D9 and make my own path - the one that best suits all of us.

Shit, what do I know, I've never been married.

Kylie – We love you.

Daisy said...

"is marriage more about embracing the future or letting go of the past?"

i don't think it is either...for me it was just moving on to another place in life...i let go of things i thought were importance once...but made that decision because they no longer held that "important" position...i think it is just the natural progression thing and it will happen to most with or without a marriage to blame it on...however, marriage is good to take the blame for things you don't really want to do anyway :)

kylie said...

thanks goobie
(sorry, couldn't resist)

i can be up and down all over the place. nice to know you're there.

Anonymous said...

As a semi-unhappily married person... I look back and think about the past I lost. I suppose that's mostly because this marriage thing isn't what it was presented to be...

Reckon it's individual circumstance.

Joy said...

Hi, I like your entries. I think that marriage should have an expiration date. I'd say... about 10 years. If you choose.. you could renew. Nuff Said.

Megan said...

That's an interesting question. I don't know. I do know that I'm probably too selfish to ever be married, though.

Suzanne said...

What? What do you expect me to say. I'm crying you know. I read Kylie's comment and my stomach hurts. Kylie, I love you and I'm so happy you found a safe place to spill your guts. I may never recover, but you will.

Zack, I wasn't going to come back here for many reasons, but for some reason I did. I think to find Kylie's comment. An answer. You know me by now, I'm not the easiest person to deal with, but I try really, really hard to be a good person. I'm not always, but I try. I won't annoy you any more. I'll simply lurk or just mildly stand by and watch. No more comments. I love you dear. And just so you know the black and white photo is gorgeous. The woman is beautiful. But what I love is the writing on the blackboard. It's stunning.

With love,

Suzanne said...

Sorry honey, I forgot to answer the question. I don't know the answer. I've been with the same guy for almost 30 years and I still don't have the answer. I don't know if marriage is the ultimate answer. It's simply a word.

Suzanne said...

Yes, I know you monitor everything. I was here so long because all my pales reside here!!! Yes, just catchin' up! Without my blog roll I'm sorta lost, but wow, they're all here!!! Thanks baby! Hope life is good. Love you.


beast, yes i do agree...

csi, burn baby burn!!!

kylie, im feelin yah, i hope it is working its way through for you.. relationships no matter what the label are ALWAYS a lot of work. its when the work over comes the fun and enjoyment of it all that we have to take a moment and reevaluate... much love to you!

kook, beautiful imagery...

goob *hands over keys to the cat d9*
its ready for the armor plating!

daisy, "i let go of things i thought were importance once..." fucking awesomely put!!!

scratch, nothing is as it ever seems to be eh?

candy~ welcome to the voices and please c'mon back! glad you found some posts interesting enough to comment on! i'll swing by yer blog soon!!!

megan, i hear you... for the folks in my life its been both rough and glorious... i see why and why not to get married... i'll use a quote from scratch in a different context... "Reckon it's individual circumstance."

suz, glad yer back and as always feel free to comment away... thirty years of marriage is an awesome feat! good on you!!!

Leah said...

How did I miss this great post and comments section? I'm so out of it...I'm posing this question to Sarge...


lemme know how it goes and he thought!