got a three hour or so massage yesterday... awesome! deep tissue, some Thai stretching and she threw in a little lymph pressure draining. just to make sure i was going to be a complete pile of worthless poo today. i feel like I've been beaten up, then thrown into an industrial dryer for good measure. and things are loosening up so much that every move i make, bones are popping and things are moving around. i should be lying in a hot tub in the snow somewhere so i can jump in and out of the heat.
yeah poor me! i know you all are just wishing me the best, and wondering how i could have endured such torture... oh the misery...
other news? none. i should be working, but I'm not. I've read the two papers, perused on-line news and checked a Cabelas catalog for stuff i cant afford.
but I've tried to catch up on all my awesome commenter's and do some scheduling for the rest of the week.
tonight: Halloween party at cheeses work.
tomorrow: hungover from cheeses work party, go to Halloween party at nepenthe and boogie down.
Thursday: hungover from nepenthe, go to farmers house for some beer and food.
Friday: hung over from farmers house, go home and get ready for wedding. very formal.
Saturday: wedding for buddy in town, reception somewhere else, get drunk, make ass out of self.
Sunday:hung over from wedding and body is breaking down. sleep and maybe some mimosas in the morning.
its a work in progress. speaking of work, i should put that in my list somewhere. no?

Mmm. Jealous of the massage! Have never had Thai stretching done, but want to one o' these days. My back is still totally wack.
Have fun tomorrow! Costume?
I need some stretching done too but not my back.
B-EGG: I'LL TRY TO GET SOME PICS OF OUR COSTUMES!!! tonight i was the devils priest. complete with horns and a hollowed out bible, (with flask inside)... this costume is never a hit with the mexicans.... yeah, its just not. but tommorrows costume should draw even less praise....
knudsen: what you need to do is goto bali! wonderful place, where everywhere you go they want to give you the banana massage! complete with happy ending! for about a hundred rupia (a buck) you can enjoy sunsets on the beach with registered massagers forming lines, touting who gives the best banana massage!!!! thanks for the comments!
nice pic, my closet looks the same. happy Halloween... the devils priest? again lol dont worry im sure its still a hit. cool have fun binge drinking...
thanks tasha, its funny i could stay and party at a buddies house and have more fun than going to "the big" party at nepenthe. although its fun to see some of the more reserved locals get all whooped up and see the body painted women and the drunks trying to score at the end of the night! i dont think we will stay long enough for the last man standing contest, but ive been there and done that! be safe tonight and have fun!!!
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