this company is doing something really different. i first read about it
here. if you don't click on the links you wont know what the big deal is, but you may notice something a little odd about the bike pictured here. see anything strange ye old not clicky-linky types?
O.K. this one sailed right over my head. Please enlighten me all knowing one. For I am clueless.
Clueless in Floodsville.
Why yes, I DO notice something a little odd.
You're not in the picture sniffing the bicycle seat.
its a bike made out of bamboo....
i give up. what's the deal with the bike? does it convert into a motorcycle or something?
a bamboo bike, I cannot imagine. and now I don't have to.
everyone! IT WAS A BIKE MADE FROM BAMBOO! FOR OVER TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS!!! has any one ever heard of "being bamboozled" i think this might be where that came from...
thank you all for the comments on such a lame post!!!
welcome not so cynical gal!!! "stick" around, we will try and get a few more laughs out of you yet!!!
Whoa! That's cool! A little pricey though...YIKES!
BTW, you have officially earned my seal of coolness! Go to my blog. YAYYYYYY!!!!!
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