Thursday, April 24, 2008

nothing to post yet

i don't have shit to say this morning (yet, lucky you...) so I'll do some pimping... random chic is having a caption contest. she is giving away prizes so go get some free shit if you think you can cut the mustard over there...

mj is looking for some celebrity ass photo ideas, you can scope out the one she has posted and give her your two cents worth.

some one over at the wild onion is having a bake off or something... i don't really know what it is, but you bake something, take a picture of it and some one says who has the best shit... i dunno...

and over at work poop they are still figuring out how much money you make while going poop at work....

other than that, I'll be putting a new starter in the ford flatbed... exciting i know, but i bet you couldn't do it...

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