***this is cheese with one of our sunflower heads in hand... she is standing in front of some of our heirloom tomatoes. in front her are some of our smaller sunflowers. fun pic taken with my lame blackberry****
so with nothing else to post today, i thought i might give you all a quick run down of what today might bring for me... meawhile im trying to upload a photo of cheese in the garden. it took me half an hour to figure out how to fucking get it off my phone with the blue tooth bullshit...grrrhh.... and we will see if dialup will let me put it on the post....
on with the show....
i got up this morning with chuck (cheeses lab) snorfulling at the foot of the bed wanting out at sixish a.m. an hour later i went down stairs to let the doga back in and had a nice outside naked morningwood pee in the yard. (complete with arching and aiming at bees). back into bed and shortly there after some mornng aheming... ahhh....
ya'll can tell you'll be enjoying this post already can't you?!?!
cheese jumps in the shower and i bust out the scrabble game on my old phone. still trying to beat that old record of 2100 points... get pushed into making some coffee and stand around naked in the kitchen while the dogs pester me for another unsupervised jaunt outside... kill another yellow jacket with the yellow stream of death and finish making cheeses morning coffee. she laughs at me for standing around with no clothes on in the kitchen for so long....
whatever, its saturday...
after checking/adding some oil to her subaru, shes off to work.... i waste some time and try the picture internet thing and here we are at the present... exciting huh?!?! on my third smoke of the day and pondering the idea of having a puff. really slow my day down. right now the movie "alive" is on in the background and im blowing ashes off the keyboard of the crap/mac top.
here we go into a possible future. everybody have their time machine selt belts on?!?!
i plan to go out into the yard and water the sections of the garden that are not under automated control... bring the scraps of veggies up to the chickens and harrass them a bit. throw some snacks at the turkeys. idealy at this point i will have aquired enough energy/motovation to hike up the mountain... where i will spend the next four hours hiking up and down....
wow, you say!!! so much to do and what an amazing man you must be! i know, iknow... pat me on the back later. i'll be full of bug spray and sweaty as can be...
i forgot to mention that ive got several coors lights in the freezer chilling and by the time i get back to the house i'll be well on my way to another fulfilling round of "how many beers can i drink today"! (the movie is at the point when people are getting sucked out the back of whats left of the plane!! fuck...) then i'll start to rewater the pumpkin patch... fuckers drink water like no other. we just harvested our first red pumpkin! so sweet, its huge for a red pumpkin. why we have pumpkins already? i dunno, they volunteered... then i'll crack open another beverage and repeat as required.
you all are thinking i must be wasted by now... nope, the joys of coors light are many... they are "the drinking mans beer", you can drink that shit all day!!! woo hoo!!!
then i might jump on the quad and take a rip up and down the road, blow the dust off, you might say. pop over to my neighbors house and interupt their chores and afternoon... i'll have to re-up on the bugspray and begin harvesting some tomatoes and beans. perhaps pull some carrots and scallions. cheese wants to head home after work, so maybe we will make some dinner... i think there are some crook neck squash ready to pull too!!! the sun flowers have been blooming and last week we cut one that had a twenty four inch head on it! (its the one in the picture if it loads....)
i'll make a few phone calls and see whats happening for the rest of the weekend. i vaugly remember being invited to a buddies house to watch some UFC fighting championships... what ever.
i'll finish filling pool and perhaps take a quick dip. possibly clean the house a bit and put away some laundry. with all this time alone at home, who knows i may even have my way with my self.. sounds good already! anybody wanna bet one of you readers is already doing that while reading this? i thought so!!! hahahahahhaaa.... later on cheese will come home and we will take some shots and discuss her day which will be filled with asshole bikers and lame tipping euros... what is with those lame tipping euros anyway... welcome to the country, learn a bit of the language and culture please!!! gah...
im already feinding the first bit of beer now after having my last sip of bailys and coffee. hmmm...weekend.
i hope you all have at least read this far if not enjoyed this days possibilities... happy fucking saturday interblogpeople!!!