Saturday, December 27, 2008

the time is now...

so only two of you have expressed more than limp interest in guest posting, so i have sent out one invitation to do such a thing and requested an email address from the other! so if you are still interested in gracing the voices with your version of profanity lemme know!!! there is only one more spot open... otherwise sit back and continue to enjoy the show!


Leah said...

I'd love to guest post--see my new post for the reason why I am an ideal candidate for your wonderfully profane blog!

Hope you had a good holiday with lots of libations and happiness!

Anonymous said...

I don't want to guest post; I can't even get my fucking shit together to post on my own blog (though I am going to use the I-was-traveling-in-Cambodia-without-internet excuse as long as I can). I do, however, want to see you two.. thinking of heading up tonight before heading to the airport tomorrow. Have Bree email me, 'kay?

Anonymous said...

Think I'll sit back and enjoy the show. I could post every profane phrase I learned in the Air Force, but I doubt anyone could get through it without nodding off! ("Fuck me to tears!" was my personal favorite).

Old Knudsen said...

Guest posting is for the weak, never never on a Knudsen blog ..... unless there was money invloved.

Megan said...

Email sent! I guess I'm weak! :)

Daisy said...

popcorn ready...and i am waiting...

kylie said...

so now what do i post?
what does everyone want to see from me?

Brandy Wilcoxen said...

I would, but I'd need strict really strict...