Wednesday, August 01, 2007

head ache.

that's all i have to say about that.

there was a rollover last night up on Pfeiffer ridge. a local, coming home from one of his art shows. too much champagne. when it hit the bottom, it burst into flames. he got out and walked home. smart/stupid. at least let someone know your truck is on fire in the canyon asshole...

anyway, "buddy neighbor friend" drove to the fire station to grab a water tender to help put out the fire and the new one that was donated to the fire brigade wouldn't start. so he jumps in the smaller one that they had been working on and the pump wont start...

sweeet, our first line of defense against structure fire and none of it works... so I'm going to spend some time today trying to figure out what the "volunteers" have been fixing on the fire engines...

I'll rant a minute here folks... WTF are you doing working on a fire engine?!?! you are a cook at a hotel, a jr.mason or a god damn carpenter! so don't fucking pop the hood and tinker with shit. i don't care if you and your dad used to bond while under the hood of his piece of shit mustang... these are not toys for your nostalgia moments... its a piece of fire fighting equipment...
would you want some secretary in a floral shop changing the oil in your forty thousand work truck? no? you ass wiper, you wouldn't would ja? so what qualifies you and your seven years of experience working a grill in a shit restaurant as a mechanic...
if my house was burning down and no one could come to save it because the fire truck wouldn't start and you were fixing it earlier that day, i would fucking go mental! i would tie you down to your toilet seat, head first... get the picture? no? i would drown you in your own shit!

lucky for the people in that canyon/ridge, a very wealthy resident here in big sur, paid for a rental water tender to sit at that station. as a back up for this summers drought. just in case there was any problems with the ones we have now...
hmmm... perhaps he saw who was volunteering their time and wrenching on it and said to himself... "WTF? I'm going get me my own fire engine and have it sitting here... who the fuck is this guy? that truck isn't going anywhere after he works on it!"

so I'll leave you all with this thought... if it ain't broke, don't fix it. and if it is broke don't call gardener to repair your fire truck... aaarrrgggg... call a mechanic!

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