Monday, April 21, 2008


its crazy busy this morning... after taking Friday off and people working here this weekend there is a large stack of broken shit. and now i have to blast off to gilroy again.... this weekend was crazy busy as well and didn't get to go camping, my only dirt biking was to drive to a buddies house and rewire his trailer....I'll be back later i hope.


The Mistress said...


Isn't that the garlic capital?

Anonymous said...

M.J., yes Gilroy is the garlic capital of ...err, I don't know what but it is!!

Bummer you didn't get to go camping...

BEAST said...

Oh dont worry about us voices , we will just mooch about vandalising things and setting fire to stuff :-)


mj, yeah it really is and even if you were blind you would know you were in gilroy! it smells! and in summer its unbearable, i feel for the innocent people who have to live there... otherwise its pretty much much a farming town with a fairly high crime rate...

random! no shit! i live for camping and its been so long. it really gets me down when i cant do the things i want. mostly cause i usually get my way. but this weekend would have been forcing the issue and we had too many other things going on to get it done.

beast! *hands over some matches and a gasoline canister* thanks man, someone has to keep up the "good work" while im away wasting my time working!!!

Mr. Shife said...

Well I hope you are not bat shit crazy anymore. I can't stop looking at that picture in your post but I don't want to look at it. I am torn. I will just think about what an orgasm should taste like again. Ahhh much better.

Leah said...

Yeah, that is one gross pic. Almost, but not quite, worse than the money shot flower...

Gig said...

Really gross pic, so gross I had to cover it up to comment!!

Sorry about your no camping weekend, no dirt biking, I guess that meant that it sucked to be you...:)

Suzanne said...

That's kind of remarkable. I was thinking back to biology and trying to figure out if eye muscles can stretch that far. Is that really possible? I don't know. Is there a doctor in the house? Hummmmmmmmm.

Sorry to hear you didn't get to go camping. We used to take camping trips every summer with my wonderful grandmother. We were fortunate enough to camp one summer in Montreal and one in Nova Scotia! See...small world. I haven't camped since meeting Rob. He's isn't the camping type. Oh well.

Hope things settle down soon and you get to do what you love.


Mervyn Gurdrock said...

My god that picture is disgusting. But I bet the guy is rich.

Gig said...

OMG!! I am on a different computer, with a bigger screen and the pic is even grosser!!

We are getting travel trailer ready for some camping this summer, this weekend I am going indoor camping...and visiting Indians (donating) will post pics next week.


mr. shife. "look into my eyes..."

leah, i thought flowers were beautiful?

gig. im trying to go camping this weekend!

suz! smack rob on the ass and rub some dirt on him, remind him of how much fun camping sex is... that should do it!

desperate! welcome back man, and i bet he was a real hit with the ladies too!

indoor camping gig? is that like in a hotel?