Tuesday, June 10, 2008

nothing new as i am spent

today I'm spent. two kids to call helpers today and a slew of fucked up shit at work. wrong part, people wanting stuff loaded all day, a truck that needs a major clutch adjustment, a dozer that needs seals, i still need to tear into the crane turret... etc, etc, blah, blah, blah....

I'm beat kids and its finally getting warm outside... nothing like two hundred degree hydraulic oil running down your arm and face and it being over eighty degrees outside... yeah, I'll stop boring you!

thanks for all the nice comments on cheeses garden! she will be undoubtedly pleased!!!


Anonymous said...

so i remember a post not too long ago where there was the news reel about gorda's high gas prices.

i just paid 4.49 a gallon.

i think that's what gorda was charging then. was that, like, 2 months ago? tried to find the post but couldn't with your clever naming strategy.

stonelifter said...

pookey wanna hug?

just giving you a hard time, one of the reasons I got out of machining was exactly that, blistering hot day and standing in a shower of red hot chips, the shop i used to work at was like an easy bake oven

do not miss it

The Mistress said...

I must be spent as well as I just misread your post to say that you're "bending over at an eighty degree angle".

Anonymous said...

My turn. What the fuck are you talking about?

I have something funny to send you. What's your email? I lost it. I'm a re-re...

Anonymous said...

huh? No lube? No more commenting? I'm confused. Or maybe it's just the hangover?