Tuesday, August 19, 2008

for now a picture....

i'll be back later....


The Mistress said...

Is that you whizzing on the grill?

Anonymous said...

That's how he "fixes" things. Am I right IV?

That Guy said...

seems reasonable


mj, wouldnt catch me out there in the jungle on a bridge with a truck that big... i would only pee on the grill of a much larger truck on a much smaller bridge!!!

random... sometimes i wave my hand over things and they work and other times i do indeed pee on them...

that guy... no likey posty no mo???

That Guy said...

You can sit on my post.


until the cows come home i'd imagine...

just bob said...

That doesn't look OSHA approved.

just bob

That Guy said...

There...and it's interactive, like my "post."

Unknown said...

Holy crap! Did they move it finally! That poor monkey didn't have a chance...its the hazards of the road...flying monkeys through a freakin jungle! Who knew?!
Come and read all about PART II of mystery trip! And there will be a PART III as well (our eating pleasure)! LOL! Thanks for stopping by! It was lovely to see you there!

Queen Goob said...


And tell you dad not to worry - I'm out saving the world and will lend a hand - or a beer - if needed.

Secret Agent Squid said...

Come up and ma will cook for you and we'll take you up drinking or shooting (maybe not both) and have a good "sit-down with the peace pipe" out in da's motorcycle shop. then we can go set shit on fire and make explodeys (ma's favorite activity). it'll be good escapist times in the county.

FirstNations said...

yes! and you can ride your lil japanese motorcycle and we'll give you a nice 'Trader Joe' grocery sack to put over your head. dont mention being from california, though. actually just don't talk. in fact here; hold this pint of Cuervo. now you look like a washatonian!!

sweetheart, when they talk about using a comealong, they don't mean you stand in front of the truck and say 'come along'. *shakes head sadly*


just bob... osha, heh heh...

cecile, oddly i would be that asshole swinging the bridge...

that guy... hmmm... interactive? like a strip club?!?!?!

robyn, hold yer horses and thanks for the kudos!

goob! nice one on saving the world. dont save too many though... Armageddon has to start somewhere...

yipster!!! you dont even know how much i wish i could be leaving this instant... but drinkin and shootin is essential as a combo sport...

ma firsty... i fit in where ever i go... just as long as im where im at when i arrive... i know when i leave yer place though i'll be missing my coveted california plates...