Monday, December 22, 2008

ALLRIGHT!!! its new reader appreciation day...

here we have another one of my personal friends who has de-lurked herself from the dark side and decided to share her blog with us, i would like a large round of applause for lu-lu-bell!!! she does photography professionally and is currently working her way through a year of being single. not celibate (although it does sound like masturbate) but single none the less. she is currently delurking under her photo blog, so kids ramble on over there and give her some love. she doesn't post all that regularly so pimping her is a real bitch, cause i know my little group of addicts likes to see something new every day, but perhaps you all can nudge her into reliability!!

another new reader is denim, he has been reading/commenting here for years and has finally de-lurked his blog. sneaky bastard! he is running a road rage blog. sometimes its helpful to write things down to alleviate the frustrations of life! way to go denim. he is also currently looking for wood, so if anyone can help out denim finding his wood "that would be great."

brandy rose... has also reared her dark haired head and has been commenting for several weeks and runs a very proper blog of her own! today post is about pet peeves and asks you comment on some of your own... her profile photos shows her being quite happy so go check her out for a little cheery disposition. i seem to remember she is also a video game addict as well... much love brandy and welcome officially to the voices!

I've pimped some of the rest of you before and it seems to have worked out so I'll give these three newest members to the voices squad of death a shot at it... i have also noticed there are some new followers in the box to the right who have never commented! come on out of the voices closet and present yourselves for proper inspection, turn your head to the right and cough and lets see what you got in your pockets!!!

if any one else would like some pimping lemme know and I'll get you on the program... of course i get first dibs and will need to have you send a picture of your naked ass to mj for her approval before i can go ahead with said pimpage... have a great fucking Monday all!!!


Brandy Wilcoxen said...

Aw, you put a real smile on my face, even got a hit of the giggles. Love your blog, glad to be apart of the voices :D

denim said...

i could tell you where Cheese found my wood, but it's a little graphic.

you have to pimp me huh? well i think everyone will really be scared of me now, jhajajjajahahaa.

lu-lu-lu... tsk tsk.

Anonymous said...

Monday blows.

I went and gave some bloggerific love to your new stalkers.

Cheers, buddy!

Anonymous said...

Monday blows.

I went and gave some bloggerific love to your new stalkers.

Cheers, buddy!

The Mistress said...

Photographers are standing by.

Please form an orderly line and drop your trousers.

CSI Seattle said...

I was going to ask you to pimp my site, but I just came up with the idea to post a picture of butt.

I am brilliant. I just think of stuff and these ideas pop into my head.

kylie said...

are you still calling for guest posts?

i want to do an anonymous one of my naked bum

kylie said...

oops, except it wouldnt be anonymous now

Anonymous said...

if i send you a picture of my bum can you post it on your guest posts?

Kookaburra said...

Read my comment on your previous post. Go on, you know you want to.

Queen Goob said...

anonymous floozy....LMAO!!!

Oh my goiter, what a day. Thanks for the heads up; my work calendar is a tad sparce today so I needed something to do.

FirstNations said...

its too cold here for the bums to go naked. they just sit in front of the snake-handling church and pee themselves.

merry christmas, happy new year, avoid the buffalo, all that happy crap.