well i took peoples advice and went ahead and got some medicine at our local herbalist here for my eye. it was weeping, oozing, scratching and generally fucking up my day more than it already was and needed to be. it seems to be better after a nice shower and a couple of cold beers. after dinner i popped two or three of these odd gelatinous tabs and am feeling fine. i read the side of the orange carton and it reads "
Lysergic acid diethylamide".
on the other side it probably says do not mix with alcohol in mandrin
Step awaaaay from the keyboard. ;)
Hope you are feeling better real sooon!! Even an "out of sync Zack" is better than no Zack at all!!
*stumbles back to Onion for more Lemon Drop Cookies soaked in Absolute, yum!*
Maybe you didnt drink enough beer
oh yeah...ummm...looks...oh my...much...ummm....well...better?
Have a nice trip!
I made a crock pot full of beans for dinner last night. Then I:
1. had dreams about farting
2. woke myself up to farting several times
3. woke up in a fart cloud.
Oh, stay topical...like athlete's foot cream. My bad.
What happened to the tittie picture? You know, the chicks and the guns? They are all sucking their stomach in - and have thrown their shoulders back so that their breasts are proudly on display?
yeah, you deleted it.
No, I think those were the right meds.
You look kinda happy. That's good, right?
Hey, I've been MIA myself. It's good to be back and to see that you're still alive and kicking.
oooooh, blogging at home now that your speedy dsl actually works. pfft, whatever.
how much time do you spend on photo booth? yuck, yuck, yuck...
did i complain to you about there being a big silver trailer below my house now? well here i go...
denim, gives you something to aim at while peeing off the deck!!!
everyone else i'll be back shortly!
G'day Zack,
Get better real soon. Your pic is a real eye opener. ha ha ha; yuck yuck yuck; lol.
Cheers and beers (and lots of 'em)
STONE, I THOUGHT I HEARD SOME GRUNTING AROUND HERE!!! welcome back as usual... it did look like a bunch of chicken scratches..
megan, *whacks away at keyboard and begins licking it*
gig, glad to see someone has been picking up my slack!
walker, thats a big 10 4 good buddy!
daisy, how was your day of elephants?
mj, *looks at mj strangely*
that guy, go on over to hntrs blog. i believe he had a similar week... and a funny post about it!
lydia! so you liked the titties pic as well eh? itll be back up later with a better post.
leah, *hands leah the rest of them*
random! welcome back. all is well and normal here!
kook! thanks for the yucks and cheers and beers back to you mate!
you are crazy...getting shit in your eye blows! i was just checking out your blog, you get a lot of traffic. one of your things has like 75 comments....what? you are a true blogger...i am just in training.
Took drugs like that once. Woke up cuddling a cute piebald mare. Never took said drugs again.
lu lu! are you ready for some pimping or wtf?!?!?
sausage! yeah, its been many many years since i pooped any lsd, never looked back!
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