*notices all readers are drooling and shmeckling over it*
thats right, my man over at sausage mechanic bestowed this upon me... so quit yer pawing and panting and git on over to his blog and beg for one of yer own!!! thanks sausage man!
hahahahahhaaa.... happy fucking holidayz kids and hope yer all being bad and need spankings!

oh yeah bitches AND i received this one on the same day from leni!!! go visit her as well, her writing kicks some major ass!!! thanks to both and i will be updating soon!!!
Congrats on your well-earned award.
Wishing you and your family a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
Enjoy the holiday season!
But have you gotten your Tim Tam's yet?
hey z
i'm nowhere near naughty enough for spankings, worse luck
LOVE the 500 pics
congrats on the award
oh i am bad...but i think i may have gone beyond the whipping stage this year...
happy holiday to you and your...was glad to see the result of the laptop thing...brilliant parenting, really!!!
Hi Zack!
Congrats on the award, but let me tell you this: you haven't just won one award, but TWO!
The dangerous writer left a little something for you yesterday in her blog (oh my, Megan warned me you were going to be insufferable with 2 awards in just one day, hahaha).
Congrats on both! Gonna start 2-weeks holidays on Wednesday and yes, I will need an awful lot of spankings, hahaha.
Tajke care and be bad.
Speech! Speech!
Glad you liked it. You deserve it! Was going to send over two bottles of fine french chanpagne, but...after all...I'm a really cheap bastard!
Chanpagne: Compares to champagne the way Velveeta compares to a really good Gouda. God, I've really got to check my spelling!
mmmmm.... velveeta.
So translated it says: "Z has great sausage"...?
Hi Zack!!!
kook! thanks none of this would be possible with out my bitchin readers!!
just bob, got my tim tams today AND a cool fridge magnet!! did you get a cool fridge magnet, my envelope also had lipstick kisses all over it... heh...
kylie! thanks for the chocolate dust!! and the magnet!!! i'll be posting bout that soon!!
daisy, never too far beyond spanking for a good paddling...
leni, i have a large pool of single charming men (where the hell is "that guy") that would be quite interested in helping absolve your sins... heh heh..
mj, *starts speaking into whiskey bottle and has a swig off the microphone*
sausage! pas the "fine french chanpagne" on over bro!
bob, *shakes head* youve spent too much time at the hockey arena my friend...
goob, "Z has great sausage" translates in any language!
brandy, you might notice your complements have earned you a pimp on the previous post!! thanks again!!
ahem, hi random....
again, i couldn't do all this great blogging award accepting with out all you cool people giving them to me!!!! thank you all!! and to all a good night!
I did get a magnet but did not get lipstick kisses. Nothing new about that.
Velveeta cheese melted is a delicacy... like liquid gold ripe for delicious dipping.
You are such an award ho.
Good for you. :)
oh no, you got bobs one by mistake!
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