these are the first beds i built almost two years ago. we way over seeded them and have not had to touch them since. they just keep pounding out new and different flowers year round. even in the snow...

oh, our soon to be record breaking sunflower. this beauty started in the middle of winter and is already over seven feet tall. its been growing over a few inches a day! I'm bummed i didn't get any shots of our fourteen varieties of tomatoes... anybody have any ideas what the small black spots on the leaves on our "early girls" are... they already are producing some tomatoes, but are getting these spots on their lower leaves...
cheese also just planted a bunch of different squash and zucchinis... so when this shit all starts producing vegetables i expect y'all to be at our door step with your Sunday bests and big empty baskets to help cart it all away!!! this is what i have as far as a post today!!
I love the "japanese maple." Looks like I may have to come visit in a couple months... :)
never mind that!!!! i think that maples official name is "favor for a friend"!!! ahem... now how bout those peas!!!
First off, this post was awsome. Come visit me and you will see some rockin cold front clouds. Very Omnious. Hell, I don't know if I spelled that right or not. But the clouds were kick ass
Ok to clear things up.
Your Go Green Post. You linked to CSI's post in that one. That was the one where Brian was told F.U. by our wonderful friend whom we all love. (I mean that with all my heart too.) So, Suze sort of felt that you were trying to stir up shit. That's the gist of things, now tell her you weren't so that we can all be happy again. I hope this clears things up and you aren't so confused. That's me trying to help.
Great post! Damn! You and cheese really do have a green thumb! Love them 'peas'. They just happen to be my favorite veggie. So, thanks for growing some for me and yes I will be buy with an empty basket and 12 pk of your and cheese's favorite beer! *grin*
Hugs all around,
I.V. when you get a chance come by and say hi and check out a blog I discovered. I think you might get a kick out of it!
I'll tell you what I told First Nations.
It isn't a true garden without a toilet planter.
I miss growing peas. Though a few years ago I did have 5 seven foot tall pea plants
This is really so neat. Upstate, we've only got wild stuff growing--wild raspberries and tiny strawberries, fiddlehead ferns (good for salad, although I've never tried). This post makes me want to try a little vegetable garden--it would have to slumber all winter under 8 or so feet of snow, but I guess that's okay, people do it. Thanks for giving us the tour!
cecile! thanks for the kudos and i thought that might have been the issue suzanne may have misunderstood... i hope it gets better. i'll check out your site shortly!
robyn! thank you too for the kudos, but its all cheese, i stand around and wonder why things dont grow faster and cheese says look how beautiful things are... yer always welcome to come up and share in the bounty, better have four wheel drive! and i check your blog link, carmel is the nearest town from here!
mj, but we have a horse trough swimming pool!
hntr, i was wondering if you were still involved with gardening...
pink, jealous?!?! hahahahahaaaaa.....
leah, you are more than welcom! i'll try to do another post later on down the line and show some "progress"!!! gardening can be fun and frustrating all at the same time. its a bummer when you get those minor set backs, but so rewarding when you can say, "this came from our garden"!
Wow your garden is awesome dude
A pox on MJ's toilet planter , the brassier planter is a must especially with dangling zuchini underneath , it would look like a vegatable ladyboy
I still dabble with the peas. I am about to start some for the year. Have to keep them on the smaller size around here.
beast! thanks for the kudos man! im not sure i want the lady man, ensemble hanging in my yard though... perhaps something in a banana hamock though, as i suggested over at your place! thanks for the comment.
hntr, nice buddie! glad there are still some east coast green thumbers out there...
Love your place! Can I come and sit in your garden?...after you get the toilet planter, of course.
so very envious. so very gnawing my own flesh in envy of how far ahead of mine your plants are. we are underwater here (blub,blub). it is NOT FAIR. it is a PLOT.
the grey water garden is GENIUS. good for you! thats how we do it! last place i live in up on the mountain i channelled all the rainwater into a wetlands bed and the plants took it up just like magic. we never had a problem with erosion and i had iris laevegata and kneeling angelica 6 FEET TALL!
voices, you are my kinda boy. you and cheese have got your shit totally going on. outstanding!!!
(get my boy to tell you his 'baby maple' story sometime!)
...just say NO to toilet planters.
they aren't big or clever.
i really like the feel of your garden, reminds me of mine :) only i'm not a veggie grower.
what i really want to know, though is dont you have a real camera?
Love all these pics, awesome garden voices, can't wait to see all results from everything growing...take care of the "maples", ok?!!
I actually used to have a toilet planter but I could never get anything to do well in it. The U bend wouldn't let the water out so it just got soggy...
Alas I must agree that the toilet planter is not a good idea, unless your willing to drill some drainage holes and that sounds like just way to much work.
It looks just amazing and I am totally JEALOUS!!! Great job. Yes, I'm still alive, just not on the computer much. A bunch of keys on my keyboard stopped working after beer was spilled on it, just got the keyboard replaced a few days ago after being without for well over a month... who knows, maybe I'll even start blogging again... but don't hold your breath. Great work rant about the welders, btw. Hope you and yours continue to have a great summer...
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