Wednesday, June 11, 2008

something political!

well, in California we have just finally legalized gay marriage... I'm down with that. i mean who gives shit anyway, its a failing institution anyway... i see it all over. I'm in the middle of someone who is working on terminating theirs... so i think everyone should have the right to fuck up their lives they way they see fit!!!
for a different perspective go here! random has a solid relationship with her man, and i am happy for her and her random man!!!
anyway, i liked the motivational poster and thought id rummage up some drivel so i could post it! now, seeing the rainbow sticker on cars will bring a whole new image to my mind!!! i love rainbows!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pimpage! Remember, I had to fail once at marriage before I got it right...I think marriage should be against the law...for everyone! LOL!!!


your welcome!!! pimpage goes both ways!!

leahsimone said...

That's sweet. My random dude, Sarge n' I, have been together 18 fuckin' years, since I was a teenager, up and down and all around. I actually like marriage, but I don't think it's a necessity for a deep relationship.

I LOVE me some of that girl's inner thighs. Holy s!@#$t.


leh! true colors eh? heh, heh... anyways, thanks for the comment, congrats on your long term love! thats awesome! and i agreee it doesnt take a marriage to share and express love and devotion!


LEAH!! yer just getting the hang of things round here thats all... i mean, expressing ones enjoyment on anothers inner thighs is equally as impressive as learning another language!!!

The Mistress said...

Ooooo...Stripey tights!

FirstNations said...

that girl is so fine.

i say congratulations for living in the first state on the west coast to demonstrate that human advancement is in fact possible. it is a shame and a disgrace that washington failed to stand behind its own pallid showing. it just makes me SICK that
*rambles off gesturing and yelling at cars*

Kookaburra said...

thanks for brightening my afternoon :)

hnter1018 said...

I been with christie for 14 years. Three of those have been married. Do I think you need to get married? NOPE! As a man you just have to remember if you get married your screwed anyways...she has half the money and all the pussy.

Sully Sullivan said...

thanks for brightening my morning a little bit with a lovely rainbow. Yeah, on the gay marriage: why not? Everyone should have rights.

I've bookmarked this blog and how could I not with a picture of a hot ass front and center on it? If you need a cheap laugh, check out my pop culture comedy blog.

Cece said...

I think the rainbows makes her ass looked deformed. Am I the only one that sees this?

Suzanne said...

Well, what you don't know is I've lived with Rob for almost 30 years. No marriage. But in CA we're technically man and wife because of the law, so we now call one another hubby and wife. Too funny. No, marriage isn't necessary for true happiness, nor is it necessary for a committed relationship. We have lesbians in our family and trust me, they are just as committed to one another and their children as any heterosexual on the planet. I am honored to have them in my life and I do believe they deserve the same rights any heterosexual enjoys. Unfortunately, they do not live in California.

Wonderful post dear man.