Thursday, June 05, 2008

what to do....

can you spell "icup"?

last week i purchased some limited editioned works from iksodas and simply fucking love them! i gave one to denim for his birthday and hoping it all goes well for him. and the other will replace one of the pieces i have up on the wall now. with that one being gently jacketed and placed in my fire resistant case... thing of it is i usually try to not buy more than one at a time and never more than one a month... yet here i am interested in yet another print from a new photographer (a new one to me that is)... i also try and give myself several artists and prints to choose from... so i can hem and haw and check them out a million times before i do any negotiating... there have been times where i whip out the wallet and buy, buy, buy... that has produced varied results... sometimes to my excitement the prints come and I'm fucking blown away.(this months purchase for example) other times not so much.

i once received the wrong image from a guy in Israel, "no problem, I'll send the correct one this minute!" he said.

"don't you want this one back?" i asked

"no, keep it. my mistake is your good fortune."

turns out the new photo he sends me is also #19/20 (hmmm...) and for the price i paid for the first one, i wasn't to sure that i was getting such a rare piece. now they sit in a plastic jacket buried under some of my earlier, less informed purchases.

there is so much wonderful art out there and id love to have it all on the walls or sitting in my private archive but i don't have the money.. "poor me huh, not enough money to buy art? too bad eh?." people are starving and I'm worried about which piece to buy... well i work my ass off for a living and i do deserve to treat my self in the fashion in which suits me best! hah!

bet you didn't see that coming did you...

anyway, I'll put it to you readers, I'm looking at an image from btcharles at the moment titled "finally". great pic! well shot and good depth eh? if any one has another artist or image they think i might look at to give my self a choice and not just have a buy or not to buy decision I'd love the feed back. i wont tell you what he might want for this image, so its up to you to decide what i might pay and what i might enjoy...

its not a contest. there is nothing to win, but I'll link all your suggestions on a post and give you full credit if i purchase something... how bout it!?!?!



ooohh... papyrus, yes, i hadnt noticed it untill you said something. well its the images i wanted you to look at not the font.
but thats what i liked about it... deep, recessed almost into the image... and you didnt give me an alternative, so meh...

The Mistress said...

I suggest you take a pocketful of coins, sit yourself down in a photobooth and go wild.

Iksodas said...

Thanks,and glad you like them..

I've got about 2 weeks, until I can make a public announcement about one of those two.. (working very hard to show restraint!)

And as far as the BT? well it's not exactly fair if I comment, is it?

FirstNations said...

you have great taste in photography, and you probably have a better idea of what this will look like in the real world than I do. the one I would choose would be the BT Charles called 'Torso'. Its completely documentary and erotic, but the composition and lack of color turn it into an abstraction expressed in curves and texture. i love stuff that has multiple layers like that.
Also, it's like an update on Jean Courbets 'L'Origine Du Mond' and that makes me like it more.

Suzanne said...

As an artist, myy only comment about art, in any form, is do you want to look at it in 5 years?


Suzanne said...

myy is obviously spelled my.

The Mistress said...

Throw a big party, get everybody drunk and give them cameras.

Should be some good stuff that comes out of that.

Have you noticed that Suzanne can't give up blogging even under doctor's orders?

She's hooked.

She's like the Amy Winehouse of blogging!

Cece said...

Nothing wrong with adding art to our lives. I am glad you like the ones you just purchased, it sucks when you wait for something to come and then it doesn't live up to the expectations that you had. This happens to me alot with movies. Have a great Friday.


Mj, better coins then a pocket full of posies eh?

iksodas, ive been mums the word about it here as well. and wasnt fishing for a critique on the photo like denim gave but more for another option or image other people might like... thanks for the comment!

first nations, the image you liked is enjoyable, im not too into badyscapes but i can apriciate its artistic value though... thanks for the input!

suz, i dont think i will ever get tired of the female form in print...

mj, *trying not to laugh out loud at work* thats fucking wicked! *sniggers to self about amy winehouse*

cecile, thanks for the comment! no input? *pouts to self* yeah, im into it and have been for several years... did you see anything there you liked?

Cece said...

I looked at the one you are interested in from btcharles titled "finally". I really like that one too. If you are interested in viewing art like that in color, there is a web site called Met Art that you may be interested in. You have to pay for a subscription. I bought a year subscription for my husband for father's day last year and he like it. I think the website is


cecile! thanks, ive been to the metart site and had a trail pass. i bought several prints from a featured photogragher who uses the site. there is so much of that stuff out there its taken a while to decifer what i am really interested in for art and artists... theres has to be story and value to me not just a nice bod and pretty face... thanks for the comment!