Monday, December 29, 2008


so the holidayz have come and gone and now there may finally be some peace and quite. i spent yesterday lazing about the house and watched movies all day. today i may go and do some golfing, i just re-upped my super mini membership at this place which gets me into several other resorts as well. 

i know what your thinking... "inner voices likes to golf?"


four years ago when i stopped golfing i was just getting my score under 100... "wow, impressive!!" you say... no, not really. I'm usually so drunk by the end of the course finding my ball becomes more time consuming than a five hundred piece puzzle in the dark... but i have fun...

or i might cut down some trees and ready my wood pile for the rest of winter...
i could also put the second story on the tree house deck that i completed last weekend...
or i could spend the day cleaning the house or drinking or watching more movies or go on another dirt bike delivery excursion.

i don't know...

after this mornings round of anal bleeding i think I'll hold off on the drinking for a day or two (that's gonna fuck up my back nine if i decide to golf) an perhaps opt out for another day of relaxation...

cheeses dad want me to come down to the south coast and fix cars at his shop this week while I'm not at my current job. I'll call him tomorrow and let him know if he wants to double the price of what he has offered me i might think about it. other wise i can go to my normal work place and make the same amount i normally do but a fraction of the actual work!!!

*puts hands out on either side of body to simulate a scale and weighs his options*

hmmm, go to work? cut trees down and only have a few beers? go to town for some outdoor sports? hang around the house? so many choices...

oh and I've sent off the next invitation to Megan for her chance to guest post... she was next in line with her hand up. after careful consideration and some great prodding from nations i am going to allow a few others a chance to get their voices out and once Megan has replied and posted i will be sending out more invitations at a time... i have not quite figured out how to have a guest poster without making them a temporary author so that's why the tool bar in the right changes when someone else has the ability to post...

have a great day folks!!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anal bleeding? Dude, you do need to stop drinking for a while...

My Mother In Law finally left this morning...YIPPIE!!!!! I'm doing a little dance of joy!

That's why I sucked on doing any guest posts on your blog...I would have, Seriously! But my Mother In Law was following me around and generally making my life a living hell for the past 7 days, 12 hours, and 34 minutes! UGHHH!!!!

I have some time now...if you don't hate me.

Hope your day is great too...without the anal bleeding part.

Brandy Wilcoxen said...

Hmmm, I've wondered about that guest posting thing as well. I was thinking like if they emailed it to you as a word doc. Then you just copy and past? Maybe?

just bob said...

If you're cutting down trees, start with #12 and #15 on the West Course. Those two holes are so narrow you have to walk single file down the fairway.

just bob said...

Oh yeah, they need more cart girls out there too.

Megan said...

The pressure!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the vibrator in my bag. Found it at the airport...

Leni Qinan said...

Hey, holidays are not gone yet!
Happy new year!

PS.- I love your pix from the past. I got a little mesmerised watching them, the're cool.

Megan said...

Working on it. What things did you pick to do?

FirstNations said...

geeze louise. your guest poster composes their post in their own 'compose' window of blogger. then they copy that, open an email 'compose' window, paste in the document, and send it winging on its wingy way to inner voices' inner sanctum.

*stomps off muttering about kids these days*

Brandy Wilcoxen said...

Ha, I was right. Me ftw!

Megan said...

Wonders who this comment will be from.

Megan said...


Megan said...

Hey, Zack, I admit I'm not worthy (yet). Give me more time. Let Voices have the floor.

Walker said...

My golfing got better when i started at the clubhouse getting drunk and filling in the card before teeing off.

I hope you have a Happy New Year

The Mistress said...

Happy New Year!

CSI Seattle said...


Happy New Year to you and the family!


random! thanks for the well wishes!!!

brandy, you were right!

bob, we played east and they asked me not to bring my chainsaw onto the course. they even told me i had to leave my thirty pack of beer behind... yeah well there are a lot of pockets on my golf bag and i did manage to keep up with my beer a hole routine...

she she, glad to have given you a chuckle in your hung over state of mind. dont you know me by now, of course i stuck the vibrator in your bag, i wish i could have been there to see it!!! hahahahha..

leni! happy new day to you as well!!! glad the 500 pics from the past is a good one!

nations... yeah i knew that was the way it was to be done, but i thought blogger might have a cool feature that allows a one time post or something....
*feels scolded like his mom just caught him in the cookie jar*

megan, megan, megan.... no worries, im not disappointed, no really... its a lot of pressure to guest post on someones blog... email me a post and i'll still put it up!!!

walker, excellent idea! how have you been?!?!?

mj, to you as well!!!

csi!!! thank you and to yourn as well!!!