Thursday, January 10, 2008


don't really have any time today, but i thought id come by and say hello. been looking at catalogs all day and online shit to replace all the missing tools from my shop at work. it sucks cause "Miss-management" pretends they don't see this shit or something... people not bringing tools back from jobs and taking shit out of the "mechanics" tool boxes and not returning it... I'm pissed and I'm over it. these guys can once again fuck themselves... I'm buying new shit on the company dollar and locking my boxes up and now even "Miss-management" wont have a fucking set of keys! hahahaha...

that's all, i have to pick up cheeses daughter from school early today and don't know if i want to come back after that....

lets see, something from my time here in big sur... i had a friend bring his new girlfriend to town to meet everyone. my friend d (a female) and i got them both drunk and convinced his girlfriend that it was "new girl nudie night". we snuck into post ranch and jumped into their pool. later the four of us squeezed into their shower and washed each other all off. ya know, cause we were all so dirty from swimming around in a gazillion dollar pool and all. that was a great evening and she ended up sticking around with him for a while... i don't know if she ever found out that she was the first "new girl nudie night" or not, but there were more to follow....



why dont you comment over here denim? scared are ya?!?! huh, huh...

Kay said...

Wow. That Post Ranch is insane.


SSSHHHHH... cheese works there. its sweet. she actualy put in her notice, wich is awesome, cause now we can start sneaking back into the tubs there and useing the pool!

cher said...

i'd give my right nut to sneak into that post ranch place. wait. i don't have a nuts.

FirstNations said...

are you CERTAIN we don't know you? because you'd fit right in to our dysfunctional little melange here...

Black Egg said...

Hmm. Reminds me of a story my ex told me about his past, basically to make me jealous. Shouldn't have worked, but it did. Actually, reminds me of something the same ex tried to involve me with later. Didn't work!

hnter1018 said...

AAHHHHH YES! Reminds me of SC and the old folks place we used to senak into up there. With the pool and hottub.Good Times Good Times.

Take a wrench and glue some tacks to the handle and bury it in the bunch. Bet when they dig in to grab it it'll be the last time that they try and take one of the tools.

Good Lord I haven't thought of something like that since I rigged up one of my plants back here with fish hooks so that if someone tried yanking it they would get all hooks in the hand and be stuck to the plant.


AHHH... cher, you might just try an sacrifice someone elses to get in there. rooms start at about 700 bucks a night and go into the thousands...

first nations, i knew there was more of us out there... next time i drive up to the mother land i'll come by and we can drink some coors light and shower... hahahahaaa, allright drink some beer maybe, any place cool to sneak into up there?

b-eggers! yeah, i dont think cheese was too excited about that story either and had to fess up that we did not all have sex. just soap and water. we all know how much fun soap in the wrong places can be!!! we all have pasts, we wouldnt be who we are with out them.

hntr!!! SC held some really great times man, we still go up there from time to time. remember round table pizza? (how could you forget!) its now a straw hat, Z's liquors? out of bussiness, flalafel hut? still the same people own it... downtown is all built up and fancy. coffee shops everywhere. i dont ever talk to any of the people there any more. i saw brendan like eight years ago, but thats it!

everyone thanks for the comments!!!

cher said...

i bet a bottled water costs about $12. seems fair.

cher said...

oh, and are you offering the services of one of your nuts?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've been having a crazy time!!


CHER, sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you dont!!! and believe it or not, bottled water is free when you are on property.

sugar!!!!!! welcome back! so good to see you here! hope you will be posting more and more! thanks for the comment. everyone should cruise over to sugars page and get her posting again. i was almost going to put her into the dead blogging file....