i am abominable!!!
IVE CLEANED UP THE BLOG LIST. some of the blogs i linked to, where dead... or they just started to suck. there are a few more that need to go as well, but I'm waiting for something good from them. one last chance. so if your blog sucks its gonna be gone... if you stop blogging for long periods of time and i still like you, there will be a new section for all of you!!! (sushi, WTF? where you at!?)
it will be the lazy blogger section.... you don't want to be in there... muwhahahaaaa. i have people tortured in there. lots of bad music and crickets chirping. shit filled cubicles from where you will be forced to blog from endlessly. mahahaaaa...
sorry, over-caffeinated moment there....
Okay, okay so I am visiting your blog and leaving a comment. Now that I know who you are, you'd better be scared, REALLY scared! Muwhaha hahahahhhhaaa. I had lots of caffeine today too...sorry.
I hope I don't end up on the lazy blogger list. I have enough shit to deal with. I don't need any from you. LOL. I hope you are feeling better today.
random! so you have come over to the dark side for some "tainted love" eh? hahahahaa... cheers on the over-caffeination.. been feeling it today! and welcome to the voices, as it were. feel free to hang around, we will try not to get any on you...
cecile... no worries! yer safe... thanks for the wishes and how do i get me a signed copy of that book!!
I'll email you the info.
i blog for all free people! i live by no mans timeframe! no more ignorance! no more superstition! this is SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
...well fine it's Sumas. still.
I need to clean up my blog list as well, and add you to mine. I don't plan on sucking any time soon but then again I did not plan on getting IcyHot near my cash and prizes last month either.
You better not X me out...man that would really PISS me off! *cracking open a beer, shoving it towards Inner Voices* Well...will bribery work instead?!
yeah I did the same thing just a few days ago!
Love the over-caff thing...do it almost daily dude!
tata...my friend (trying to win you over with sweet talk)
I can't stop laughing. The post killed me and the comments are even funnier! Trust me, I looked before finishing your post. Thank God I'm still there! Like a driver's license...it's a privilege.
I'm going to link you, but I'm going to use a disguise to protect the innocent, sort of like Mr. Shife's shaving cream (I just haven't quite figured out how to put shaving cream on your name). I'm struggling to come up with something that will do you justice. Any suggestions!?
Love you and hope you're feeling better.
After reading a previous comment to Robyn I looked at Garden of Eden. Very, very nice! I'm impressed. I also love that you're off the grid. I suggested that to Rob once and even talked to him about building a straw bale house and he nearly passed out. Apparently not an option! I love staw bale architecture. There's a gorgeous straw bale house in the Napa Valley that looks like it was transported from Tuscany or the French countryside. Stunningly beautiful and so eco friendly and efficient. I don't need the whole house, I'd just like one room! Oh, and a bathroom (I'm practical).
Cheese is very smart. Flowers are important and should always be planted with veggies. You should have diversity. Everything works in a symbiotic way and the more diversity you have, the fewer problems you have. I garden organically and never have problems with anything because flowers are planted with herbs, herbs are planted with veggies, veggies are planted with flowers, etc. It's just a big old love fest and it works beautifully. I also pay a great deal of attention to the soil.
I enjoyed seeing your garden SO MUCH!!! Beautiful job. Please let Cheese know I love her work.
phew still there......
ya'll dont have anything to worry about! if you are a commentin there wont be no deletin, got it? cool...
first nations... hahaha, love that movie. watch it all the time!
mr.shife! i would be honored to be on yer blogroll! and i cant imagine your posts starting to suck, unless the cash prizes started having icyhot on them daily... then you might have a whole new outlook on life... i hate when that sort of shit happens...
robyn! now worries! *drinks down passed over beer and belches loudly* bribery always works here!
suzanne, dont worry about the linkage, but if you must... i could be linked under, auto parts? no, hemroid ointments? pictures of used tampons? none of those eh? you know something that most people wouldnt be interested in... and thanks for the kudos on our garden, remember that was last years garden... this years is bigger and better. the plants are just sprouts at this point but the flowers just keep coming and coming... its awesome!! like i said , i'll try to post some pictures of it soon. i'll pass the kudos onto cheese soon.
manny! you will always be close to my heart!!! ahahahaaa,no for reals though, love yer blog and yer comments...
thank you all for the comments!!!
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