some of you are in dire need of a seal of approval. i stole the idea off of random chick.
the die hard fans of inner voices needed something to call their own. a little something to take back home with them when they leave here. its not for everyone, hell it might not even be for the people I've given it to but, i tried to do something nice.
i nominate these five people for the inner voices seal of approval. in no particular order. and if some one feels like they should have gotten one and didn't, please form the line to the left, pull the pin, take your number and I'll be right with you...
okay gets one for sure. even though she stopped fucking blogging. i might take it back if she doesn't get off her ass!
Cher gets one, cause every cougar needs some approval.
first nations has to have one. she is like the mom i never knew i had!
mj gets one. we know she likes porn, so that's cool with me!
and i suppose I'll give the last one to the highest bidder! or the one who really wants it the most... good day all.
oh and if you want the address of the seal generator, cruise over to randoms or if yer lazy, ask me and I'll dig it back up for you!!
can i keep mine here? because its just so....much....of an honor.
and what the hell is a diver? you were a diver? what? did you mean liver? are you underwater? i am so confused....
DIVERTICULITIS... my large intetine likes to keep shit around to long. pack it all into places where it isnt welcome, then makes me pay extra at the pump...
and i'll let you keep yours here, since you didnt seem toooo bent about pink taking pictures of me while you were gone.. but if you dont want it...
FN: I think he means he's a muff diver.
Voices, are you trying to bribe me with this Seal of Approval so I'll hire you as my cleaning bitch?
ha! there is no bribery here... but if your suggesting that i should be greasing yer palms....
no bribes just approval. i know how much that must mean to you.
I have printed out the image and made it into a button which I'm displaying proudly on my jacket.
I'm on my way out for the evening and shall wear it with pride.
I thank you.
*glad I don't have to share mine with FN*
i think the link is www.says-it.com/seal/
but don't tell anyone...
mj, thanks... that nations didnt seem very happy about it. perhaps its more like punishment. hmmmm....
anon, wise ass. i saw it after i posted it too. meh.
Hey! I got out of my mother-in-law prison, where they were feeding me nutra-loaf and water-boarding me, and am just checking in over at your place. It seems like you've been a bit out of commission too--hope you're feeling so much better!
DUDE! That is sick! I gotta print one out too and make a button like MJ! That was a great ass idea! It will go on my scrapbook rolly cart. And then everyone who sees will be so offended and give me such 'stink eye'! LOVE IT!
Also, hope you are feeling a bit better. That sucks about diver. it bites.
Well, per our earlier phone convo, the weird rose-grower challenged me (passive-aggressively--how typically NorCal hippie): "...Take it from all the men here, don't get me started."
Started on... What, exactly? Talking about taking pictures of roses and the rascally neighbor puppy? And all the "men" here?
Hmmm... clearly, she's a sexist. But she did call me a Smart Ass Dip Shit. I agree with the Smart-Ass part but she's clearly not smart enough to know that if you're compounding two adjectives to qualify a third (or fourth), you hyphenate them. Sigh... Guess it pays to be a smart-ass dip shit.
Am I doing well so far?
Well, I wasn't picked. (Should I hypenate that?)
I think "real men" aren't threatened. Don't you agree I.V.? That's why I love you. And Sexist. Well...that's a new one. Can you picture it? Nope. Me either.
Oh, and for the nasty ass (yes, I know...hypenated) dip shit...I have roses and love a neighbor's dog. So I'm a hippie? Imagine that! Life. Some of us actually do. And the men out there who are threatened, don't matter. Period. But the ones who do, matter a whole hell of a lot. And most of them are here. I've only met gentlemen here. Until now. Go away and stop bugging me. No really. Scoot, skedattle, get, go, bye-bye, leave me the fuck alone. That should do it. Right?
I still want to alert you I wasn't picked. I'm heart broken. Rejection like that kills me!
Love you and so glad you're feeling better.
I think I offended someone, zack! Apparently, I'm mean.
It was good talking to you and breeze last night. I miss BS.
Are there any perks that come with this?
Dear S,
Oh, you aren't too bad. Just be kinder. I'm sort of a wimpy~sissy, and I'm horrible at grammar. Hey, I'm not paying off college tuition because I got in on a scholarship, so cut me some slack.
Hey, did you get my little brown package I sent you in the mail yet? Let me know what you think about the product!. Maybe it will get your seal of approval? But I know it is a hard seal to come by. LOL I too am glad you are feeling better. Later gator.
i'll be back when im not in the baby strangling mood...
LOL!!! I like your seal of approval better than mine!
leah! welcom back! glad you made it out of the texas hell...
robyn! print away, i wouldnt have thought you liked one! it was just a quick way of telling everyone how i feel! heh heh..
she-ass! aaahhaha...
thanks for the comment, um... it seems we all have different perseptions of the world and have no problem voicing our opinions. doesnt bother me at all. but dont make me give you a spanking like i did for bbc. great talking with you the other night. and how are you dealing with the fact that there is a pub a block away. it must be impossible to live their. it'll be great drinking some beer with you all in the city in may!
suzanne. thank you too for the comment, sorry you werent picked just yet, but there is always room for more. you did notice that i only picked four recipients... and are you ladies going to start agreeing to disagree er wot?
and then there is bbc with his crass comments again. we call it a blow job here. not "sucking dick" do you ssee the subtle difference there? you can say the same thing with out being such a jackass about it. perhaps this is why you dont recieve them often. i dunno call me crazy.
mj! what kind of incentive program should i start? perhaps a free picture of some sort?@!
suz! attempt at middle ground?
cecile, i'll be heading to the post office at lunch! im so excited! i'll be sending cash!(hear that everyone? i'll be putting cash in an envelop, feel free to try and intercept)thanks again cecile!
random, i considered giving one to you, but i didnt recieve one from your page so nah, nah, nah... hahahahahaaaa.... and yes a vodka would have been great.
hi cher, you should comment under this one here...
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