Thursday, March 27, 2008


I'm fucking over it. I'm leaving here in about ten fucking minutes. I'm waiting for a phone call. as you all know we have a lady here who brings her baby to work. amongst all the other shit i have to deal with in the office now we have a level nine wailer going shit house ballistic five times a day three times a week. this week that fucking kid has been in my office every day. i have tolerance, patience even, but this is pushing my fucking buttons today.
if i could record it for you i would. when this kid takes a nap, I'm not allowed in my office. when its time to put it down for a nap I'm not allowed in my office, when its time to fucking eat/change diaper/burp I'm not allowed in my office. if I'm in my office and any of this shit comes up I'm asked to leave. this is the most expensive babysitting place in the world!! three office ladies hem and haw over this fucking tyrant...
meanwhile, I'm on the phone(when they haven't been moved out of my office, because they ring too loud) and have to explain that no, we are not torturing children here, we just have one that's likes to go nuts all the time while I'm ordering parts...
i wish i could record it for you... they make duct tape just for this...


Anonymous said...

Ahhh... Sounds like the day I'm having (only my office is void of the wais of tortured children and is instead heavy with ennui and general lack of motivation, interest, or intellect).
Remember, there are few things that a good beer does not solve. Go easy and drink heavy!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need a drink! Vodka!!!

Leah said...

That really really sucks. I cannot believe they'd displace you and your phones, and make you keep quiet like that--what entitlement! And I say this as the one-time mother of a wailing infant.

Mervyn Gurdrock said...

I can only share your torture. Can you get away with killing it, do you think? (Not that I am advocating you should - in case it comes to court at some point)

BBC said...

I think that women should be able to take their kids to work. But !! Only if there is a childcare room there that is attended by a caretaker so that mother can do the work she is supposed to be doing.

I wouldn't put up with a kid in my office.


shelaghy... thanks! yeah thisll be a good weekend fo sure!!

random, you read my mind!

leah, no shit huh? today is the same shit. i'll be leaving early today. i stayed late yestarday to finish up some projects. perhaps i'll take monday off to relieve some of this baby pressure drama that goes on here...

dmaged, yeah, the thought never crossed my mind.. *snikers and then begins laughing evily*

bbc. it would be nice to have that, but we are only a small company of thirty or so... its tough, a lot of stuff she does makes it hard to replace her...

mj, im gonna stick its foot in its mouth...